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After Felix's arrival yesterday, everyone knew him. His cold, domineering and emotionless attitude. Students in school even came up with a nickname for him, 'Ice King'. Felix didn't care much, as his purpose was to study and make his mother happy.

"Chloe!" said Alya excitedly while Marinette trying to catch up to her. "We're going to the hotel later, right?"

"Yes! I've told my daddy to prepare a small party room for the five of us, it's going to be so much fun!" replied Chloe.

"Well, I hope you have something fun to say while you were at New York~" said Marinette with a cheeky smile on her face.

"Oh, please. There was nothing but trashy fanboys coming over me. They weren't even respecting my privacy." complained Chloe.

"Then I'll see you guys later!" said Alya, waving a goodbye to them.

*Marinette-M  *Alya-A  *Chloe-C  *Kagami-K  *Zoe-Z  *Felix-F

Le Grand Paris

The girls all met eachother at the hotel wearing the same clothes as they planned. A sky blue top with the word 'Friendship' on it and a pair of black jeans.

A- "OMG! The three of us looks so cute!! Let's all take a selfie!"

After they all went in the hotel, they saw Felix standing there, wearing his usual clothes. He looked like he was waiting for someone. Does this guy ever changes his clothes??

M- "Hey, Felix! What are you doing?"

F- "And a good afternoon to you. I am waiting for my mother."

A- "To do what?"

F- "She came to say hello to the mayor and told me to stay here. I might need to wait for an hour or two."

M- "Oooooh! Maybe you can attend our friendship party! Just the six of us!"

F- " 'Friendship... party' ...? No thank you."

M- "Oh, come on! Pretty please?"

Felix has never attended a party with friendship associated before. He was quite curious, so he agreed with it. He couldn't believe he was doing something so naive.

F- "What... is this."

M- "It's a room."

K & Z- "Hey, everyone! Wait... who is he?"

M- "Girls, meet Felix Graham de Vanily. And Felix, meet Kagami Tsurugi And Zoe Lee!"

Z- "Pleasure to meet you!" *Sticks out her hand for a handshake*

F- "Sorry, but I don't like giving handshakes as they are highly contagious with germs."

Z- "O... kay?"

K- "Aren't you one of the rich kids?"

F- "Yes, why?"

K- "Nothing, just asking." 

C- "Just quit the yapping already! It's time to swap gifts!"

F- "Swap... gifts?"

A- "Yes! As it is one of the stages for making friends."

F- *Thinking*  "Hmm... Swapping gifts..."

After they swapped gifts, they chatted about Chloe's Trip to New York.

A- "Sooo Chloe... Any guy caught your eye yet?"

C- "No. But..."

Z- "Lemme guess, sis. Is it Luka?"

C- "U-uhm... Of course not! He's not THAT handsome... Although his eyes are kinda pretty... And his lips looks soft... And- "

All except C & F- "OKAY! OKAY! WE GET IT!!"

K- "Trust me, Chlo. You want it? Go get it."

M- "Oh my gahhh~ It's gonna be so fun!!"

Chloe blushed lightly as they talked about her and Luka being together.

Z- "Alya, how's-"

A- "Shush. We are COMPLETELY fine."

C- "As usual~"

K- "So, Zoe... anyone yet?"

Z- "Haha, you know me. Not yet, but I'm hoping for the best. Thanks for the advice before, Marinette."

M- "No problem! Speaking of advices... Kagami, how's your crush?"

K- "U-uh... what? Uhm... He's fine. Nothing too special... He just winks at me sometimes." *Blushes*

C- "You and the Korean kid are definetly getting somewhere"

A- "Can't believe Ji-Ho actually winked at you!" *Squeals* 

Z- "Well... there's still some of us who haven't talked about their crushes yet~"

Everyone was looking at Marinette and Felix. Marinette gave a red blush while Felix was a million miles away from smiling.


Yes, this is just the beginning of EVERYTHING... >:)

Anyways, I hope you guys will like this book~~ And HOPEFULLY I will write some more interesting stories after this. :D 

Story By:  ·Mythic_Moth·

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