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In The Agreste's Mansion

"Adrien, will you please hurry up. It's already 7:45 p.m." rushed Felix.

"Relax. There's still 15 minutes until we go." replied Adrien.

"A 15 minute walk to Marinette's house and it will be the perfect time for us to arrive there."

"Wait, we're walking?!"

"Yes. Now get up."

"But I thought we were going there by 8?"

"No. We're arriving there by 8 p.m. So get up."


Adrien got up and went outside with Felix. He asked Felix about a question that made sense for once.

"Hey, why are we walking? My fans will be chasing us if we get spotted." questioned Adrien.

"If we even get chased by fans, which is highly impossible. We can just slip into alleyways." replied Felix.

"But aren't cars better?"

"If your fans blocked the car, how can we arrive at Marinette's house by 8 p.m.?"

"Makes sense..."

"Shoot. There's not enough time." said Felix after looking at the time.

"I'm sure Marinette won't mind if we're one or two minutes late."

"I would mind. I usually arrive on time. But you were with me today, the reason why I am late."

"Pshh... Whatever."

Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie

"You made us one minute late, cousin." said Felix, glaring at Adrien.

"Come on, it was just one minute!" replied Adrien.

"Hello, Felix! I see you're here again. You're looking for Marinette, right? She's upstairs." smiled Sabine as she spoke. "Oh, Adrien! It's been a long time since I last saw you!"

"Good evening, Miss Dupain." said Felix as he walked up the stairs to Marinette's room.

"Uhh... Hey, Miss Dupain." laughed Adrien awkwardly as he followed Felix.

"How does she not know I hurt Marinette?" whispered Adrien to himself. "No one told her..? Whatever, it's better not telling her."

In Marinette's Room

Felix and Adrien walked up to Marinette's room. Adrien saw the pictures of him were taken down by Marinette. He felt quite uneasy, he didn't understand why.

"Hello, Marinette." greeted Felix. "What... are you doing."

"Hey, Felix! You mean this? I'm scrapbooking." replied Marinette. "Oh, Adrien! Didn't see you there."

"Scrapbooking. Yes, such a waste of paper." Felix rolled his eyes.

"Hey. Scrapbooking is a fun hobby, y'know?" said Marinette. "Unlike you, who doesn't have any hobbies."

"Whatever." replied Felix.

"So... Marinette, why did you want to meet Felix?" asked Adrien.

"Oh, right! Homework, and it's Math again, and it's very difficult." answered Marinette.

"To be honest, it is a bit hard for me, but I still managed it." smiled Adrien.

"A bit hard? Seriously? It's so easy and you're saying that it's hard." scoffed Felix.

"Bro! You're like the smartest kid in the whole frickin' school! Of course you'd think it's easy!" said Marinette. "Plus, the rest of us are not as big brained as you, okay? Some of us doesn't even know how to add up!"

"Exactly. But I was asking my cousin." replied Felix.

"Oh. But it's still the same thing." said Marinete.

"Just admit it. You thought I was talking to you." Felix exposed Marinette just like that.

"... Whatever. It's not like it's my first time anyways." Marinette rolled her eyes.

"Uhm... So Marinette, is it question 3?" asked Adrien.

"Oh, yeah! It is." replied Marinette.

"Come here." said Felix.

Marinette sat beside Felix and he taught her how to solve the Math question. Adrien watched his cousin teaching his so called 'friend'. He felt a swirl in his stomach again. 

What was that? He thought to himself. He didn't care much, so he just learned Felix's way of solving the question. After a while, Marinette finished her homework.

"Thanks, Felix!" thanked Marinette. "I finally know how to do this cringe Math question."

"No problem." replied Felix.

"Anyways, are you both hungry? I can grab some crossaints if you want." smiled Marinette.

"Oh, I am! I love your crossaints." said Adrien.

"I am not." replied Felix.

"Whatever." Marinette rolled her eyes as she went downstairs.

The whole room was silent after Marinette went down. Felix was looking at his phone while Adrien looked around.

"What are you doing?" asked Felix.

"Oh, nothing. Just looking around." replied Adrien.

"What? Trying to find something that resembles you in her room?"

"Of course not."

"Well, you can give up right now. She removed everything that reminds her of you."

"I wasn't looking for-"



I'm getting some random ideas for other Felinette stories, lol-

I feeling this book is gonna have like... 75 chapters. :I

Story By: ·Mythic_Moth·

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