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Tooru never realized how much her cheerleading training would come in handy. For example, when Todoroki froze the gateway, freezing their competition to the ground, she instinctively turned her jump into a split jump. And while the rest of her class used their quirks to leap over the competition (or just straight up bodied them), Tooru treated the unfortunate kids who were frozen down as pommel horses, launching herself forwards.

While it was very skillful and pretty cool (if you asked her), she could physically feel the middle finger that Hitoshi was giving her.

She hit the ground running, sprinting with the rest of her class. She was near the back of the group, but she didn't mind. The most important thing is that they all made it to the next round.

She was very confident about how the race was going. Keyword being "was."

"What the fuck?!"

First, Todoroki freezes the entrance to the ground, which was cool for all the kids with quirks that allowed them to get over the ice (and Hagakure apparently). Next, they make him run, and he's kicking himself for not doing enough cardio. And now they have the audacity to have multiple zero pointers in their way.

At least he wasn't the only one who was a little pissed. The rec students looked shocked, like they haven't seen these spawn of Satan before. He and Jirou exchanged a glance, and she looked just as done as he did.

For a solid few seconds, they all just stared at the army in disbelief. Then it looked like the Class Reps got their act together, because Iida was shouting something to Inasa, and students were being launched by the wind into the air.

"Don't you DARE-" He definitely did not scream as he was launched into the air. He definitely did not cling to Kirishima out of fear while they flew over the zero pointers. And he was definitely not laughed at by his very supportive friends.

Hopefully the cameras weren't recording him, because otherwise that was blackmail material for life. Hypothetically of course, because none of that happened.

(He did take Kirishima's offer of a piggyback ride. Purely to avoid running. Not for any other reason, Jirou, stop laughing.)


Shouto slid on the ground, doing what Izuku would call a Tokyo Drift as he landed. Because of Inasa's winds, he was launched a good way, only a few meters away from the next section.

He vaguely remembered Izuku's brother muttering something about HPSC Health violations for the regular entrance exam, and that memory was ripped from the back of his mind. He was facing a seemingly bottomless pit, with thin tightropes running between the platforms connecting from one side to the other.

He knew Tenya, Inasa and Momo would be able to get across no problem, but the rest of his class wouldn't. And they all agreed to work together, so he probably shouldn't just strand them.

Making a flame with his left hand so that he wasn't frozen solid, he started running across the pit, a bridge of ice forming underneath his feet.

When he made it to the other side, he stopped at the edge, getting down on one knee to wait for the rest of his class. While he tracked the faces of his friends and classmates, he used the breather to warm up his left side. It wouldn't do to get hurt in the first round because he was being reckless with his quirk.

When the last person went across (Kouda, if he remembered correctly), he stood up. They hadn't talked about sabotaging the rest of their competition, but Shouto wasn't about to take any chances.

He released a bright flame, watching the bridge melt behind him, stranding the other students who managed to make it past the zero pointers. He recognized some of the rude gestures being pointed in his direction, especially from the two students who were on the bridge before it melted, and just gave them a salute.

Turning on his heel, he started catching up to his classmates. He'd secured himself a solid 20th place, and he's determined to keep his class ahead of 20th and everyone else behind it.

What did his friends say? He's "gaslight, gatekeep, girlbossing."


A minefield where the steps have to be precise or you explode, where the mines are evenly spaced and if someone was paying close attention, they can tell where the mines were buried?

Tooru was considering asking Nedzu if he knew her old coach. Bumu-sensei would've cried if she were here.

"One two three four!"

She started shouting the U.A. spirit theme, launching forwards into a handspring. Despite not having done the routine in years, muscle memory carried her forwards. She cartwheeled, vaulted and flipped across the field, chanting the theme at the top of her lungs, all without ever disturbing the dirt that covered the mines.

"U.A!" She stuck the landing of the backflip, holding her hands up, when she heard a massive explosion behind her.

With her jaw on the floor, Tooru watched as Todoroki flew over all of their heads, not using his quirk to propel himself further. She tracked the arc he made as he flew over the course, colliding into Inasa's back and sending them both tumbling over the finish line.

"Do I even want to know?" She asked to the wind.

"Real rich coming from the girl who just did an entire fucking cheerleading routine across a minefield," Hitoshi snarked, clinging onto Kirishima's back for dear life. The other boy's face looked like it was slowly changing colors.

"Need to- breathe-" Kirishima wheezed. Leaving the disaster gays to whatever was happening, she instead turned on her heel and started running. It was just a straight shot to the finish line, which she didn't mind.

Considering everything else, tenth place wasn't bad.


Inasa was sprawled out on the ground, taking the time to catch his breath after having it knocked out of him. He had managed to secure first place, but at what cost?

Next to him, Shouto was doing the same thing, only he was face down on the ground. His hair was sticking up in all sorts of directions, and he was covered in dirt and soot.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tenya and Momo stand over them. "Shouto, what was that?!"

When he was nudged in the side, he rolled over onto his back. "I was testing one of Izuku's theories."

"Which one?"

"Combining my left and right side does create an explosion."

"Why would you do that?!"

"Why not?"

Inasa reached out to give a few pats to Shouto's shoulder. "That's pretty cool, but please be more careful."

All they got was a thumbs up from Shouto. Tenya sighed, reaching down to help them both get up. "We're still working on that."


Tsuyu ribbeted happily, ignoring a 1-B kid throwing a tantrum about 1-A copying their strategy, and made her way over to Habuko. "You made it, kero!" She croaked, hugging her friend.

They had both been sad when Habuko didn't make it into the hero course, but she got into the Gen Ed program, determined to transfer in. The U.A. Sports Festival was her opportunity to impress the teachers, and fill the vacant spot in 1-A.

"I was so nervous," Habuko sighed. "I didn't think I'd make it."

"But you did." Tsuyu pulled away, but she still held onto Habuko's arm. "Come meet my friends, kero."

"Are- are you sure?"

"Of course!" She led them towards where Shinsou was standing with Hagakure, Kirishima and Jirou. She became friends with Shinsou and Hagakure after the USJ, and she was quickly accepted into the friend group by Kirishima and Jirou. "They'll help you become a hero too, kero. We all help each other."

"If you're sure."

With another croak, she waved to her new friends, bringing her oldest friend to meet them. She was excited for all of them to become heroes together.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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