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Izuku huffed, running through the halls and clutching his bag to his chest. Despite his morning runs, he still wasn't really in shape. Especially since right now, he was going for speed over endurance.

As he skidded around a turn, he slammed into something, stumbling backwards and onto his ass. "Oh- I- I'm sorry-" When he looked up, he saw his life flash before his eyes.

He had slammed face first into Endeavor.

"Watch it, boy," the hero practically growled at him.

"Of course, sorry," Izuku squeaked, sidestepping him and trying to not look like he was running away even though he totally was.


He turned around, trying to project confidence despite facing death. "Yes?"

The hero eyed him up and down, as if disgusted by his very existence. "What school are you from?"

"I'm home schooled."

"Who is your sponsor then?"

Izuku was sure he was sweating bullets at this point. "I have multiple, but the main one is Hawks."

Endeavor narrowed his eyes. "You're disgracing your sponsors by being late."

Oh. He thought I was a hero applicant. "Oh, uh, I already took my entrance exam. I'm applying to the support course."

The hero seemed to lose interest in him immediately, and Izuku internally let out a sigh of relief. Literally, Endeavor just started walking off without saying a word.

Izuku wasn't gonna question any of this. He was just gonna keep running and not think about how close he was to death.


The applicants had finished their written tests by then, and Izuku was on time to mingle with them while the obstacle course was being set up.

"Hi guys!" Izuku shouted, waving at his friends as he made his way over. Iida, Honenuki and Yaomomo were talking, with Yaomomo switching to English every once in a while to include Pony. Shouto was dragged over there too, although he just seems to be sitting back and enjoying listening to the conversation.

"Hello Midoriya-kun!" "Hi Midoriya!" "Hi Izuku!"

Izuku slid into the conversation easily with a bright smile. "How are you guys doing? Nervous? Excited? Both? I'm excited! And nervous. But mostly excited!"

"I'm a little nervous," Pony said.

"Well I'm excited!" Honenuki shouted, holding up his hand for a high five. For a few moments, it looked like he was gonna be left hanging, but Shouto shyly high fived him.

"Midoriya, you look a little pale," Yaomomo said, pointing out what he really didn't want them to know. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine! Nothing like a minor scare, a full sprint through U.A. hallways, and a brush with death to really be invigorated in the morning!"

"A brush with WHAT?!"

"Did someone say invigorated?!" Izuku screeched as one of the other applicants shouted from behind him. He turned to see a kid with his hair buzzed off, and was so tall that he had to crane his neck.

"Oh! Hi. Hi." Izuku calmed down (and took a step back, he wanted some personal space). He bowed a little. "Midoriya Izuku, support course applicant. Pleasure to meet you."

"I am Yoarashi Inasa, applying for the hero course! I apologize if I come off as rude, but why is a support course applicant here?! I thought the support course exams were inside!"

"Don't worry about it. I'm done with my exams, so I figured I would come out and cheer my friends on!"

"I love such passion!" Yoarashi said. Izuku had relaxed once he realized that he was similar to Yamada and Iida. "Heroes should be passionate and have hot spirits, which is why I'm here!"

"Hot spirits but cool heads," Yaomomo said. "Having a clear head is vital to heroics."

"You're right, that is very important!" Yoarashi said. "I didn't catch any of your names!"

"Yaoyorozu Momo." "Honenuki Juzou." "Tsunotori Pony." "Iida Tenya!" "Todoroki Shouto."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Yoarashi-kun, but I would like to go back to what Midoriya-kun described as a 'brush with death' earlier!" Iida said, and suddenly everyone's eyes were on him.

"Well... I ran into Endeavor..."

"That doesn't seem that bad..." Yoarashi said.

"The problem is that Nedzu said he would be sharing my presentation about him with Endeavor."

"I still don't see the problem."

"The problem is that my presentation was about why Endeavor was the worst hero."

Honenuki pat Izuku on the back. "I'll help arrange your funeral, dude."

Yoarashi looked around. "I don't think we should be talking ill about Endeavor in front of his son."

Shouto deadpanned, "I helped him with it."

Iida started to arm chop. "I'm sure if you told Takami-san, he would help you!"

"Yes, because my brother being in jail for murder is so much better," Izuku said sarcastically.

Yoarashi looked horrified, so Yaomomo said, "He's joking. Mostly."

Yamada-san's voice projected through the speakers, and started calling names to run the obstacle race. Izuku shook his head, giving his friends a smile. "You guys better go. I'm gonna go get Starbucks. Good luck you guys!"

"Izuku, you have a problem," Honenuki said.

"Hey, if I'm gonna die anyways, I might as well."


Inasa grinned, wiping the sweat off his brows. "That was an exciting race! I kept the lead by the skin of my teeth!"

Todoroki nodded. He was quiet, but seemed to be a good dude overall. "It was a good challenge."

"We should spar sometime! It would be a great way to test both our skills and our spirits!"

"Our friend group has a group chat. If you would like, I could add your number so we could coordinate." Todoroki looked through his pockets, clearly looking for his phone.

A raccoon came up to Todoroki, a phone in its mouth. The boy held out his hand, and the raccoon gently dropped it on his hand before running away.

"That was impressive!" Inasa said. "Is that your phone?!"

Todoroki nodded, opening his phone up. "Midoriya has an affinity with raccoons. It's not his quirk, he's just like that."

Inasa took the phone offered to him, punching his number in. Apparently his contact name was just a tornado emoji. "That is very impressive! Also thank you for letting me into your group chat! Although why is my contact name an emoji?!"

Todoroki shrugged, taking his phone back. "All the contact names are emojis."

The boy he recognized as Honenuki ran across the finish line. "Hi guys! That was pretty impressive, good job you guys!"

"Thank you! You were also very impressive!" "Thanks."

Honenuki grabbed both of them, an arm around each shoulder. "Team Elemental Quirks! Juzou, Shouto, and New Best Friend I already forgot the name of! Congrats to us!"

Inasa went to remind Honenuki of his name (giving the kid the benefit of the doubt), but he got distracted by the small smile on Todoroki's face. It's the first smile he's seen from the son of Endeavor all day.

As he listened to Honenuki celebrate and watched Todoroki smile, Inasa was struck with the feeling that he picked a good bunch of new friends.

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