Dekiru's Debut

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Izuku hiked a duffle bag over his shoulder, stepping into the hospital. He just nodded at the nurse, having been there for a month now, he knew where he was going. Besides, any opportunity to avoid talking to the quirkist secretary was a good one.

His mother has stage four cancer, which means she needs to stay in the hospital. It wasn't an ideal situation, but they're both trying to make the most of it. The fourteen year old managed to get a job at a cat cafe, but it was a part time job fit around school. His mom managed to sign a form to transfer Izuku to an online school, which means he's now out of hell- Aldera Junior High. He continued his hobby of analyzing and running after heroes, but his dream of being a hero was slowly getting dimmer and dimmer. The longer his mom was in the hospital, the more his dream felt like a delusion.

But now there was a skip in his step. He had a breakthrough this morning, and the ashes of his old dream lit the inferno for a new one. After all, he can't be a hero, but he can still help the heroes.

"Hi mom!" Izuku grinned, dropping a duffle bag on a chair and leaning over. His mother grabbed his cheeks, pulling him close and pressing a kiss on his forehead. It was tradition.

"Izuku!" His mother bundled him into a hug, then finally let him sit down in the chair next to her. She still held onto his hand, and he let her. She was a little pale, but had more color than his last visit. It looked like she was getting better.

"How are you doing, mom?" He asked.

His mother smiled, tired but genuine. "The doctors say I'm getting better! Just you wait, Izuku, I'll be out of here in no time. Now what about you? You look chipper today."

Izuku smiled brightly, scooting closer to his mom. "I don't want to be a hero anymore," he said, pulling out an envelope with an official looking seal on it. "But I think I know what I want to do instead."

She took it from his hands, looking at the document with interest. Her eyes widened as she read the letter. Izuku was fidgeting in his seat, so he started rambling.

"It's just, I'd been analyzing heroes and villains for forever, and I didn't know that you could even be paid for that! People got paid to do what I do as a hobby, and it's fitting, you know? Because if I can't be a hero, I can still help the heroes!"

His mom folded the letter and put it back in the envelope, then leaned forward and pulled her son into a warm hug. "I'm so proud of you sweetie."

Izuku cried happy tears into his mom's shoulder as she cried into his. Midoriya genes, after all.


He and his mom spent a little bit of time talking about what he'd have to learn to do, before he had to go to work.

The next three weeks passed by in a blur, between keeping up with online school, increased hours at the cafe, and the encryption classes he signed up for. It was busy but fun, the challenge hurting his brain in a good way. He was thankful that his dad's child support payments still come, they were enough to help cover rent and the new classes (he was aware the payments would stop eventually, but that was a problem for future Izuku).

Future Izuku was apparently present Izuku, as he stared down at the email in his inbox. Basically saying that his father was going to stop sending child support payments since he was essentially taking care of himself. Fun.

But Izuku was nothing if not stubborn, so he ignored it for now. Pulling out the green manilla folder with the encrypted analysis on Midnight, he folded a letter inside and got up to make a delivery.


Kayama Nemuri, the pro hero Midnight, was not expecting the notification that something was dropped off in her P.O. box one Sunday morning. Or more accurately, middle of the night. At 2 am. She has fans but this is just ridiculous.

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