Settling In

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Keigo subtly checked out the apartment, following after Midoriya. It was small and homely, pictures of him and presumably his mom hung up all over the place. The couch had a couple of crocheted blankets and was covered in cat fur. Papers were strewn all over the kitchen table, and the kitchen was messy but physically clean. There were hand towels with little frogs embroidered hanging on the stove, possibly a gift from a coworker. The first door he saw was closed, with an All Might name plate that said "Izuku."

A very loud meow drew his attention, and he zeroed in on the calico cat coming from the kitchen. "I know, I know, I'm sorry," Midoriya said to her, as she sat down in front of him and started meowing. "I'm getting you dinner now."

Keigo flopped on the couch, letting his wings spread out as he listened to Midoriya getting Sushi (he assumed she was Sushi) her dinner. There was a surprising amount of plants in the apartment, pots holding various ferns and flowers.

"I didn't think you'd have so many plants," he commented idly.

"Oh, we didn't, cause no one would be at home to water them," Midoriya responded from the kitchen, and he could hear the kid prepping something. "But ever since I transferred to online school, my mom insisted that I get a whole bunch of plants. She said that keeping the windows open and having a bunch of plants would make sure I got fresh air. Do you want some water?"

"If you're offering." Keigo scanned the spread of papers on the coffee table. They were all written in some sort of code that he couldn't understand, probably his analysis as Dekiru. He recognized a picture of Snipe. "What's this?"

Midoriya came over with two glasses of water, Sushi trailing after him. "Oh, Snipe commissioned me for an analysis on him. It's mostly finished, I've just got to clean it up and make it readable."

He hummed, taking a glass of water and scooting over on the couch. Midoriya sat down next to him, and he stretched out one wing, draping it around the kid. Sushi jumped up, climbing over his lap and settling right between the two, purring contentedly as Keigo took off one glove and started scratching behind her ears.

"This is Sushi?" He asked casually, already smitten. At Midoriya's nod, he continued. "Where's the name from?"

He flushed, looking away from the hero. "Well, I found her in a sushi takeout box."

Keigo laughed, startling the cat, and Midoriya smacked him lightly. "Your names really are as bad as your fashion sense!"

"Coming from pro hero Hawks?" He snarked back, one eyebrow raised.


They both jumped as ugly squawking noises started coming from Keigo's jacket pocket. The hero fumbled, pulling out his phone and groaning at the caller ID. "Sorry kiddo, I gotta take this."

Midoriya nodded, picking up his duffle bag from where he had plopped it at the end of the couch. "I've got to change anyways," he said, giving him a wave as he went into his room.

Keigo sighed, mentally bracing himself as he answered the call.

"Hawks," his handler droned. "Do you have any new information?"

"I do," he said. "I met Dekiru face to face at the meeting on the Trigger case. He didn't give out his name or personal information, but we have a description."

"Excellent. What is it?"

"University student, early twenties," Keigo lied easily, having been trained to be able to manipulate people with ease. "His hair was dyed green, and he had natural green eyes. Freckles too."

"That does fit the profile we've constructed," his handler said. "Any information on All Might?"

"No new information. I observed him, but it didn't yield anything."

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