Katsudon and Conversations

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Izuku was flying on cloud nine. He's collected a bunch of signatures from pro heroes (he's still a fanboy, sue him), got a personal tour of U.A. and he's currently being treated to Lunch Rush's katsudon.

"That's it," Izuku mumbled through bites of food. "Lunch Rush is my favorite."

"What the hell?!" Keigo squawked. They were both sitting in a small room off of the school's kitchen, basically the cafeteria but for the teachers. Keigo was eating some yakitori (cannibal) which was also made by Lunch Rush.

"I mean you're cool too, but this katsudon is literal heaven."

"I saved your life!"

"But this katsudon."

Keigo groaned, and Izuku let himself cackle as he continued shoving katsudon into his face. It wasn't the most attractive sight but sue him, he was hungry.

"I'm sure that Shegaka will be happy to hear that," an elderly lady said from behind him. Izuku turned around, his eyes going wide.

"Recovery Girl!" He exclaimed, his eyes practically sparkling. "The Youthful Heroine!"

She smiled slyly. "Well, it's not every day the youngins recognize me. I've heard a lot about you."

Izuku flushed with a squeak. "H-How?!"

"I got to witness the younger members of the U.A. staff freak out when Nedzu announced that you could be a student here."


Keigo stopped bothering to hide his laughter by now, doubling over. Izuku flushed, smacking him while even Recovery Girl started chuckling.

"Why are you so mean?" Izuku whined, slowly slumping further down into his seat. That just made Keigo laugh harder.

After the laughter tapered out, Recovery Girl came over. "Anyways, Nemuri, Hizashi and Shouta wanted me to check up on you, based on something you sent them last night."

Izuku raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I don't think I sent a concerning text in the group chat?"

Keigo looked at him weirdly. "Do you not remember the text you sent? After I went back to bed after being assaulted by your raccoon army?"


"Check the group chat."

U.A. Teachers and Company - 3:17 AM

Dekiru-chan (Izuku) and Pink Panther (Tsukauchi) are online.

Dekiru-Chan: i feel like shit and my head hurst and im textin up th analysis 4 gang orca honestly im gonna fuckin give snipes 2 him in person im so fuckin tired i need coffee my goddddsdlkjfsklajd

Pink Panther: Dekiru?????????

"Oh, yeah, I can see how that would be concerning," Izuku muttered, scratching his head. "I was wondering why Gang Orca's analysis wasn't finished this morning."

"What's this about headaches, dearie?"

"Oh, I've had on and off headaches the past few weeks," Izuku said. "They usually appear about an hour after I start working on analyses on my computer, and they usually don't go away until I go to bed and wake up the next morning."

"Hmm, it sounds like a case of Computer Vision Syndrome," Recovery hummed, thumping her cane on the ground. "All those screens give you a headache. Just stop using as many screens and you'll be fine."

"Your other option is a pair of blue light glasses," Keigo spoke up. "I know some of the interns and sidekicks at the Aerie use them."

"Yeah, I can't really stop using screens," Izuku muttered. "I use the Hero Network to deliver my analyses."

"Well, I do have to go to the Aerie tomorrow to get some paperwork," Keigo spoke through a mouthful of food. "We can get you a pair while we're out- OW!"

"Don't talk with your mouth full!" Recovery Girl scolded, after smacking him with her cane.

Izuku almost choked on his lunch.


Izuku sighed, flopping face first onto the couch. He was excited this morning so he skipped his morning coffee, but now at two in the afternoon, he was drained. He could hear Sushi snoring right next to his head and he was honestly about to join her.

"Hey, Izuku," Keigo said from somewhere in the apartment. Izuku just grumbled in response.

A red feather tickled his nose, and he sneezed. "I know, you want to take a nap, but we've got to talk first."

Izuku groaned, but sat up, and leaned back on Keigo when he finally sat down on the couch. "What d'we need to talk about?"

Keigo made a clicking sound with his tongue absentmindedly. "We need to talk about yesterday."

"But I thought we were done talking about yesterday," Izuku whined, letting himself flop onto Keigo, getting an 'oof' out of the man.

"I know kiddo," Keigo sighed. "But we really should talk about it."

Izuku grumbled, looking up at Keigo properly with a glare. Apparently it didn't register as a glare because the bird man snorts. "So, what are we talking about?"

Keigo thoughtfully clicked again, wrapping an arm around Izuku's shoulder. "The bullying."

That sobered Izuku up real quickly, and he was about to get up, but Keigo's arm kept him from moving too much. The hero's other hand was in his hair, giving him a gentle head massage.

"What about it?" Izuku asked.

"We want some names," Keigo said, and Izuku raised an eyebrow. "Rumi suggested to just start burning down middle schools until we hit the right one, but I figured that it would be better if we just heard it from you."

"I- Miruko- Keigo, that's just arson!" Izuku sputtered. "Besides, it's not worth it."

"What do you mean, not worth it?"

"I mean-" He took a moment to collect his thoughts. "I'm not going to school in person anymore. I should just focus on my future rather than waste energy on the past, you know?"

"If it's weighing on you enough to almost lead you to commit suicide, it's not just in the past." Keigo deadpanned. "The closure would be good for you. Besides, the heroes would be mostly taking care of it."

"I- alright." Izuku shrugged. "I went to Aldera Elementary, and then Aldera Middle School."

"What about the names of the bullies?"

He just shook his head. "They're kids. The only ones who would go so far as to physically hurt me and use their quirks were mostly the upperclassmen, and I never knew any of their names."

"The words and flowers aren't harmless either," Keigo pointed out. "And there's only so long that 'they're kids' is a good enough excuse."

"It's mostly the teachers though," Izuku argued. "No one would ever step in, some would even encourage it. The nurses would refuse to treat me, and the one time I reported when I got beat up to the principal, he put a mark of fighting on my record instead. I just think that they deserve a second chance, you know?"

"Including Bakugou?" Keigo asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Including Bakugou. He's always wanted to be a hero, and he'll make a good one, if someone helped him pull the stick out of his ass."

They both laughed, startling Sushi, who was sitting in Keigo's lap. After they settled down, Izuku spoke up again. "I'm not saying there shouldn't be consequences, just that he should have a second chance."

"And if he doesn't improve even with the second chance, that's on him," Keigo said firmly. Izuku's only response was a nod. He was starting to drift off. Keigo's fingers on his scalp did wonders.

"Alright, I'll let you sleep," Keigo said, adjusting them so that Keigo was laying on his side, wings over the side of the couch, and Izuku was laying on top of him.

Izuku sighed in contentment. "Wake me up for dinner?"

"Of course, fledgling."

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