Media Shitstorm

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Hitoshi glared at the crowd of reporters around the main gates, standing a few meters away with his friends. "Alright, what's up with the media shitstorm?"

"Well, news of All Might and Hawks teaching at U.A. was bound to make its way to the media," Jirou muttered.

"Hey guys, what's up-!? Oh!" Kirishima ran up to them, stopping next to them while they were observing the swarm.

"You think Aizawa-sensei will excuse us for being late?" Hagakure asked, tapping her chin.

"Don't worry, I got this!"

Kirishima stepped forwards, cupping his mouth with his hands. What startled all of them was when he shouted, it sounded like it was coming from the other side of the reporters. "Look, it's All Might!"

The reporters started running, trying to chase the scoop. Carpe-ing the diem, Hitoshi bolted through the gates, his friends and Kirishima following them.

"That was pretty sick," Jirou said, once they were safely on campus and starting to walk to class.

"Thanks!" Kirishima said gratefully. "I had a ventriloquism phase in middle school."

"Can you teach me how to do that?" Hagakure asked. "It would be super useful!"

"Me too," Hitoshi muttered.

"Stealth heroes!" Hagakure cheered, holding up her hand for a fist bump, which Hitoshi returned.

"Yeah, I can totally do that!" Kirishima said, with a wide grin. Why was Hitoshi's face going red?

"Here, let me add you to the group chat." Jirou whipped out her phone from wherever she stores it (he's half convinced it's a secondary quirk), and started to enter Kirishima's number.

A little while later, Hitoshi pulled out his phone from where it buzzed in his pocket.

Guitar Hero -> HypnoToad - 8:14 AM

gay ass motherfucker


"Izuku, what the fuck?"

Izuku chugged the second Monster can. The first was already empty. "Keigo banned me from coffee. He never said anything about energy drinks."

Tenya started arm chopping. "Energy drinks are extremely bad for your health!"

"Isn't Monster banned in India?" Momo pointed out, sipping her thermos of tea.

"It's not in Japan though."

"You know, I think we were worried about the wrong hero killing you," Juzou said. "We were all afraid of Endeavor turning you into a crisp, but I'm pretty sure Hawks is gonna get you first."

"I'm not afraid of being perma grounded," Izuku muttered, taking another sip of his drink. "I can get anything I need through the raccoon army."

"I think the power is getting to his head."

Shouto turned to Mei, who was watching Izuku furiously while scribbling things down. "Are you going to do anything?"

"Nope, I'm getting extra credit from Nedzu if I record Broccoli-chan's slow descent into madness and turn it into a research paper."

"A slow descent?" Izuku muttered. "Damn, I gotta hurry up."

"Yeah, you say that like he isn't already crazy."

"Okay, I'm changing the subject!" Tenya shouted. "We elected our class representatives today! I was elected as Class Representative and Momo was elected Vice Representative."

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