Preparing for the Future!

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Shouto sat in his seat, trying to focus on the conversation with his friends rather than memories of the incident a few days ago. Inasa was trying to convince Tenya that the ocean was a soup, with Yaomomo trying to get Inasa to change the topic. Shouto was just trying to keep his laughter in.

Although it was kind of hard to laugh when they were all worried. None of them had heard from Izuku since the incident, and they were all hoping he was okay.

The conversation was abruptly cut off when the door opened, and he could see his classmates all scramble for their seats. When the door was fully opened, in entered a mummy wrapped in bandages, with a raccoon wearing a hat perched on his shoulder.

"Good, you hellions are learning."



"Alright, this is Pickles and Wendy, they will be going with you today." Keigo watched as his brother placed a raccoon with a green hat on Aizawa's shoulder, and a raccoon with a red hat went on Keigo's shoulder.

"Which ones are these ones?" Keigo asked, slowly and carefully moving to give the raccoon scratches under his chin. He was trying not to pull any of his stitches, and he could see that Aizawa was keeping deathly still while the raccoon sniffed him.

"First Mate Pickles of the First Raccoon Battalion is with Uncle Shouta, and First Mate Wendy of the Fourth Raccoon Battalion is with Keigo."

"Wh- there's first mates now?"

"There's always been first mates," Izuku crossed his arms with a pout. "Anyways, don't do anything stupid. They will be texting me, Nedzu or Auntie Kaina."

"You taught them to text?!" "Problem child, is this really necessary?"

A kid holding two baby raccoons to his chest like children should not be scary, but the death glare he gave both of them definitely struck the fear of the Kami into Keigo's soul.


"I can't believe Aizawa-sensei came to school!" Inasa shouted, wiping a fake tear from his eyes. "Such passion!"

"It's super manly!" Kirishima added, giving the other kid a fist bump. Introducing those two was a mistake.

"It's super stupid," Jirou grumbled. "He should be resting."

Hitoshi nodded, still chugging water. He'd just gotten his ass handed to him in a spar with Iida, and he was more interested in making sure to stay hydrated than participate in conversation.

"What was up with the raccoon though?" Hagakure asked, while she was doing warm ups for her spar with Inasa. "He was wearing a green hat and I'm pretty sure I saw him texting?"

"Ah yes, a member of the Raccoon Battalion," Todoroki nodded, as if that explained jack shit.

Hitoshi just groaned, making sure to do his cool down stretches. It'll still hurt like a bitch, but hopefully stretching will keep it from hurting for a week as opposed to a couple of days.

Hagakure and Kirishima were worried about Midoriya, so they were staying after school to check up on the crazy bastard (he and Jirou were just there for moral support). Turns out that the other group of Midoriya's friends, the rec students, were also doing the same thing, so they decided to train together while they waited for the green idiot. Despite still being mostly annoying (Yaoyorozu was chill), they did actually have some good advice.

"I'm sorry but what the fuck?" Jirou asked. "You can't just say that without explanation!"

"No, that is the explanation."

"Yeah, it's really surprising that Izuku managed to teach raccoons to text," Momo piped up, like she wasn't just dropping a bombshell.

"Midoriya WHAT?!"

"I didn't do anything this time I swear!"

Everyone turned to see Midoriya running towards them, with the other crazy bastard following behind him. Hitoshi got a split second to see him before multiple people rushed him and he was tackled to the ground in a group hug.

"I'm fine! I'm fine." After a few minutes of frantic sobbing and reassurances, the pile of students was very slowly pulled apart. Midoriya was still patting a sobbing Kirishima on the back. "I'm fine, I promise."

He turned to Todoroki and Hagakure. "Are you two alright?"

Todoroki just nodded. Hagakure sniffled, but also nodded. "Just sore, but I'm fine."

"Are you okay though?" Todoroki asked. "I mean your mother-"

"I'm fine!" Midoriya coughed awkwardly. "I'm fine. Everything's fine."

Hatsume mouthed from behind him, 'He's not fine.'

"How is Takami-sensei doing?" Momo asked, smoothly changing the topic.

"He's doing better. He's still upset about not being able to fly, but he should be back in the air soon."

"We're all glad you and Takami-sensei are alright," Iida said.

"Thanks, and sorry about not answering your texts. It's been..."

"Don't worry about it dude," Kirishima spoke up. "Taking care of yourself is manly."

As the conversation trailed off, everyone started kind of looking at each other. "We were training for the festival," Iida broke the awkward silence. "Do you want to help? We've been taking turns sparring, and you always have good advice for us."

Midoriya gave them a small smile. "Sure."

"I'm super excited for the Sports Festival!" Hatsume shouted, plopping down next to Midoriya. "I'll be able to show off all my babies!"

"Yeah!" Inasa shouted. "I'm super pumped to show off my heroic spirit!"

"I forgot that Support students could participate," Jirou muttered. "Midoriya, are you-"

"I'm not participating."

The entire gym went silent. He pulled out a notebook, just labeled "Analysis" on the spine. "I have to focus on my work. I can't afford to get distracted."

While his classmates were trying to figure out what to do, Hitoshi slipped out of the gym unnoticed. Taking a few steps away from the door, he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts, hitting call.

Maybe his mother would know how to arrange an intervention...


Mei watched her friend from the staircase to the roof, using her quirk to observe him without being spotted. Izuku was sitting on a blanket, typing away on his laptop while muttering and going through his notebook. Despite it being their lunch period, he had no food, and Mei knew that he didn't eat beforehand.

She's noticed this the past few days. Izuku would go up to the roof and work during lunch. When they have free time, Izuku is working. Hell, Izuku's been skipping out on hanging out with the rest of their friends to work.

Mei and her friends haven't been able to stop him, so it was time to call the cavalry.

She went down the stairs, practically sprinting to the teacher's lounge. She slammed the door open, startling multiple teachers (and she swore that a mug went flying).

"I need help. It's about Izuku."

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