Get Ready, Get Set;

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Tensei stretched out his back, watching as Rumi dragged Stain away, who was incapacitated by laughter. As they passed, Rumi gave Emi a quick kiss on the cheek.

The heroine sighed, unsubtly watching her girlfriend's butt. "I love that woman."

He sighed, waving at his sidekicks who were talking to the police. "Some of us are single, Emi."

"That sounds like a you problem, Tensei," she shot back, skipping backwards. "Now come on! The sooner we finish patrolling, the sooner we can go visit Broccoli-chan! And your brother too."

Tensei accepted the water bottle that Big Shot handed him, patting his sidekick on the back. "Alright, but you're helping me on the report when we get back."

"But I've got a date with Rumi tonight!!!"

"That sounds like a you problem, Emi."


"Midoriya, right?"

Izuku turned around, coming face to face with an older management student. Her eyes were shining as she looked at him, her hair flashing all sorts of different colors. Not waiting for an answer, she held out her hand. "Irohenka Okane from 3-J! You're the first Analysis student in the Support course in like forever, and the rumors say that you're psychic and you can tell how to kill a man at a glance!"

"Umm, well I'm not psychic and legally I can't answer the second one, but I am Midoriya, yes." His head was spinning from everything that was happening.

"Do me! Do me!"

The only reason he wasn't internally combusting was because he's been friends with Mei for so long, but his face was still bright red. Presuming she wanted an on-the-spot analysis, he blurted out, "I need money first!"

Which wow, what an unfortunate statement to default to.

He might be spending a little bit too much time with Keigo, because she simply laughed and grabbed his arm. "Yeah that's fair. It wouldn't be as valuable if you didn't charge!"

She grinned, dragging him off. "Now normally, we only let management students in, but you get to be an exception!"

"Alright you have to tell me up front where we're going, because I want to make sure I'm not about to be murdered."

Without giving him an answer, she opened up an unlabelled door. Going through it, he was suddenly transported to some sort of American noir bar, with a combination of a pool and poker table, an ice cooler filled with sparkling grape juices, and a TV with footage of the Sports Festival playing. The management students were all swishing their mock champagne in fancy plastic glasses and eating cinnamon sticks pretending they were cigars. Everyone was at least wearing some sort of fedora, and Irohenka put one on his head, pulling another one out of her hair to put on her head.

They really knew how to stick to an aesthetic, he'll give them that.

"I brought the Midoriya!"

He grinned, adjusting the hat on his head. "Well I didn't know I was the Midoriya."

He was herded to the table, as everyone gathered around while the reporters prattled on about the Sports Festival. There were standard playing cards spread out across the surface, but the faces of students were cut out and duct taped to them. Someone had dragged a literal pot out of the kitchen, and it was filled with snacks that were probably bought from various vending machines throughout the school.

"Welcome to the betting table," an older student said, who he presumed to be the ringleader of this underground betting ring because he had the fanciest hat. "Put your ante in and make your bets."

He pulled out a bag of Choco Cats that he had snagged from the vending machine beforehand, being handed a handful of poker chips. With a grin, he started placing them on top of participants.

The pot was his.


"Young Hagakure, a moment?"

Tooru turned around, giving a beaming smile to her mentor. "Hi Yagi-sensei!"

He put his hands on her shoulder, giving a giant grin back. "How do you feel, my girl?"

"I'm so nervous," she admitted, wringing out her hands. "I'm still getting used to using One For All, and I still haven't perfected Warp Refraction. I'm not ready!"

"No one ever feels ready for their first Sports Festival," Yagi said. "I sure didn't when I was your age."

He released his grip on her shoulders, flexing and suddenly turning into Buff Might. "But rest assured, you are ready! Go out there, young Hagakure, and show the world that You are Here!"

The optimism was infectious, and she flexed in return. "I am here!"

She stumbled when Yagi patted her on the back, putting a little too much strength into it. "That's my girl! Now get out there and show them who you are!"

Tooru turned around, giving her mentor a quick wave as he deflated, before turning around and booking it to the waiting room.

Every second matters.


In the 1-B waiting room, Monoma Neito and Kendou Itsuka are rallying their class. In order to get higher and ensure that members of 1-B make it to the final bracket, the entire class is working together. While Monoma's main selling point is to crush 1-A, their "rivals," most of the class was persuaded by Kendou's reasoning that getting further into the Festival means more attention from Pros. And those who weren't were convinced by Pony's promise to treat the class to ice cream if they worked together.

Meanwhile, in the 1-A waiting room, the Class and Vice Class Representatives were committing the same rallying. Their class was unique, and no one else from the other classes would understand what it's like to truly fear for their lives. To no one's surprise, it was another one of Inasa's heartfelt speeches about passion and heroism that really convinced the class to work together.

From his tiny office, the brain of the security system working to protect U.A., Nedzu cackled. This year's Sports Festival was going to be very interesting.

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