Mew's Muffins

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"This the right place, kid?" Keigo asked, landing them in front of a cat cafe. Mew's Muffins, he noted, the cat cafe that he had to meet at.

Midoriya nodded, opening the door. The cat cafe was surprisingly empty, except for the cats wandering around. It was a nice place, a mix of tables and bean bag chairs. The walls were painted a pleasant light pink, with other pastel colors mixed into the place. Keigo could smell pastries and coffee.

A young lady was leaning on the counter, but she looked up from her phone when they both entered. "Midoriya!" She exclaimed. "Aihara-san was getting worried when you were late... Hawks?!"

While the young barista started fangirling over Keigo (something that will never not be funny), an older woman came out from the kitchen. "Midoriya!" She exclaimed, pulling the kid into a hug. "Don't do that again! An old woman's heart can only handle so much!"

"I'm okay, I promise, Aihara-san," Midoriya reassured her. "I was caught up in watching a hero fight, that's all. I'll duck in the back, get changed, and start my shift."

"That's skipping a few steps there kid," Keigo ruffled the kid's hair and listened to the kid squawk. "I'd like a conversation with him before his shift. He should take a shower though, his hair is disgusting."

Aihara nodded, turning to the young lady. "Haruno, you can go now that your shift's ended. I'll handle the counter while Midoriya changes and has his conversation."

Haruno nodded in response. "Don't die, Midoriya," she called out, before grabbing a bag and walking out the front.

Aihara lightly smacked Midoriya. "Go get changed! I'm not getting any younger, and you still stink!"

With a yelp and a "Yes ma'am!" Midoriya went into the back with his bag.

Keigo stretched his wings, falling into a bean bag and sending a quick text back to the agency. A cat walked up to him, her name tag calling her "Pawks." The pro hero looked up at the older lady with an eyebrow raised.

Aihara chuckled as she wiped the counter. "I see you've seen the names," she said. "Young Midoriya has been coming here for a long time. He named all of the cats."

Keigo shook his head. "Should've known that the kid's sense of humor is just as bad as his fashion sense."

"Would you like anything, dearie?"

"No, I have my- fuck!" Keigo pouted dramatically. "I left my fried chicken on that rooftop."

Aihara laughed at the hero's dramatics. "Would you like a pastry?"

"You know what, I would. How much for that cat one?"

Keigo ended up overpaying her for the pastry (he had the money to burn) and picked a table by the window, where they could have some relative privacy. It wasn't really rush hour, thankfully, so there weren't many passersby gawking at him. He turned the chair around, letting his wings spread out as he ate his pastry. It was a pretty good one.

Soon enough, Midoriya came back out. He wore a simple white collared shirt, with some black slacks and those red sneakers. Over it was a light pink apron, with Mew Muffins embroidered on the front, and paw prints over the pocket. His hair was much fluffier now that it was clean, sticking out all over the place, and it read as more vibrantly green than before.

"Take a seat, kid," Keigo said. The kid did so nervously, his fingers drumming on the table.

"What you said back there, in the alleyway," Midoriya paused, nervously working his bottom lip. "Did you mean it?"

Keigo smiled, hopefully reassuringly. "I did. Your quick thinking and action was what saved that kid. Now, it was reckless, I'm not going to lie. But you saved him."

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