A Very Important Talk

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Izuku chuckled, the signature 'I'm in danger' chuckle. "What do we have to talk about?"

"Problem Child," Eraserhead leveled a glare at him, having his phone in his hand for some reason. "Why did Hawks say that he had to talk you down from a roof?"

Izuku checked his phone, sending the pro hero a betrayed look. Hawks looked away with a whistle, drumming his fingers on the table. "Guys, I'm alright," he said, and absolutely did not shrink back at the skeptical looks from everyone.

"He said he's probably not going to jump anymore, which I do believe," Hawks said. "But he also said that he's living alone, and I in good conscience cannot allow that."

"Okay, but did he tell you why he was going to jump?" Ms. Joke asked, ignoring Izuku's small 'I'm right here.'

"Yeah, but I'm not going to say anything unless Izuku does," he responded.

Suddenly everyone's eyes were on Izuku. He looked down at his pastry, playing with his fingers, running them over the scars there. A band had settled around his chest, made out of his insecurities. Sure, Hawks had accepted his uselessness quirklessness, but what about the rest of the heroes? He was overthinking, he just needed to blurt it out.

"I'm quirkless."

The silence was thick, almost suffocating. He kept staring at his hands, not wanting to look up at the heroes he admired, seeing the disgust or pity on their faces. He traced the scars on his arms, remembering how he got them. Shame, guilt, disgust, grief all coiled in his gut, tears starting to water up in the corners of his eyes.

Izuku stood up, the screeching of the chair cutting through the silence. "I'm sorry," he choked out, "I'll just go-"

He squeaked as he was grabbed, being pulled into a hug by the person right next to him. Present Mic, his brain helpfully supplied. He could hear other chairs moving in the background, and he felt more pairs of hands wrapping around him. Before he knew it, he was in a massive group hug. Present Mic was holding him from the front, Ms. Joke from the back, Midnight from the left and Ingenium from the right. Eraserhead had put one hand on his shoulder, and Hawks had glomped onto the hug, wrapping everyone in his wings. Izuku sniffled, letting tears roll down his face silently.

He pulled back after a few moments, wiping the tears off of his face and taking a big bite of pastry. He was still tucked into Present Mic's side, Ms. Joke on his other side. Everyone else moved around to the front, picking up their pastries and continuing to eat.

"Midoriya, you're amazing," Ms. Joke said, getting some nods from the other heroes. "Seriously, we were all sure you had some sort of analysis quirk, but the fact that you do that by yourself is impressive."

"Never meet Nedzu," Eraserhead grumbled. "You'd take over the world."

The U.A. teachers all shivered collectively at the thought. Hawks ruffled his hair, and Izuku squealed a little. "Seriously, though, you're a genius. And challenging those pro heroes? That was fucking amazing."

"Seriously, you gave no fucks," Midnight wiped a fake tear from her eye. "Truly inspiring."

Izuku shrugged. "That was more of a today thing."

"That should be an every day thing, that was beautiful," Present Mic said.

Izuku smiled, as Present Mew rubbed the side of his face. "Thanks, guys," he said as tears slipped down his face at the praise. He heard praise more often from the pro heroes, but on bad days liked today, it really brought out the Midoriya genes.

"Oh, don't cry Broccoli-chan!" Ms. Jokes said.

Izuku chuckled, wiping them away. "It's okay, they're happy tears."

"Speaking of which, we should talk about something," Detective Tsukauchi said, frowning down at his phone. "Is this true?"

He presented the phone screen to Izuku, who scanned it. It was a set of private DMs between the detective and Hawks, explaining the fact that his father had fucked off and his mom just died.

"Uhh..." Izuku shot a look at Hawks, who looked away and started whistling innocently. "No?" Detective Tsukauchi gave him a disappointed look.

"Anyways, the kid needs a place to stay."

Izuku started sputtering as five heroes shouted "DIBS!!!"

Said five heroes started bickering about who was going to take him home. Izuku was slowly going more and more red, scooting over to where Eraserhead and the detective were speaking with each other.

Eventually, Eraserhead activated his quirk, and everyone quieted down, turning to the two men.

"Alright, first of all, I'm taking Midnight out of the running for foster parent," Detective Tsukauchi said. "I know you'd make a great parent, but CPS would never sign off on that, and I'd rather not have a lawsuit."

"I- oh, fine," Midnight pouted, but sat down.

"Anyways, I think you're all missing the point." Detective Tsukauchi turned to Izuku. "He should choose."

Izuku blanched, and all of a sudden was met with four heroes doing their best impression of puppy dogs. His inner fanboy was freaking out, but he managed to stutter something out without making a complete fool of himself. "Can I- Can I come back to that tomorrow?"

"Do you have a place to stay?" Eraserhead asked gruffly, concern thinly veiled in his voice.

Izuku nodded. "Yeah, being Dekiru allows me to pay the bills. Really, I'll be okay."

"What if someone moved in with you," Hawks said, his wings vibrating. "I know that the others can't just drop everything and try to rearrange things, but I don't have an apartment, and I needed a hotel room anyways. I'll stay the night, make sure everything's okay, and we'll figure it out from there."

Everyone nodded, although Eraserhead looked at Hawks a little suspiciously. "Your safety is our priority," Detective Tsukauchi said. "I'm okay with it if you are, Izuku."

"Yeah, and if you don't want Hawks to stay over, one of us can," Ms. Joke said. "I'm gonna be here for the next month for the raid anyways, I'm already just crashing at Nemuri's place."

"No, Hawks is okay," Izuku said, swinging his duffle bag on his shoulder.

Hawks put his hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring smile. "We'll figure this out, alright?"

Izuku looked up at the faces of his friends, giving him reassuring smiles, and smiled in return. Maybe everything will be alright.

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