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"I fucking hate paperwork," Keigo muttered, filling out the last page. There was paperwork to transfer control of the Aerie to Saisei, paperwork to create a new branch in Musutafu, and then paperwork to give control of that branch to Mitsurin.

At least once the branch was in Mitsurin's control, all the necessary set up paperwork would be her problem. It's the little miracles.

He smiled as he checked his phone, cracking his neck and stretching his back. It seemed that Nedzu had received his message about Musutafu General Hospital and Aldera Junior High, if the threatening smiley face was to be believed.

Seriously, how did he and Izuku manage to make smiley faces threatening?

He raised an eyebrow when his phone went off, the Pink Panther theme that he had set for Detective Tsukauchi ringing through his office. "What's up, detective?"

"I have a lady named Bakugou Mitsuki screaming at Sansa to see an Izuku-chan."

Keigo sighed. He really didn't want to have to talk to the Bakugous today, but apparently the universe had decided for him. "Who else is there?"

"Her husband and son."

"Well, I wasn't planning on doing this today, but I might as well get this over with."

There was a pause, then the detective spoke in a warning tone. "What were you planning to do?"

"Don't worry about it, Tsukauchi." Keigo had finished putting away his paperwork, sticking a post it note on the pile of paperwork for the Aerie Jr. "I'll be on my way."

"Seriously what were you-" Click. Keigo jumped off of the balcony, flying out and towards the Musutafu Police Department, slipping his phone into his pocket. He could answer Tsukauchi's questions in about five minutes.


Five minutes turned into ten minutes as he flew lazy circles in the sky, procrastinating the detective's grilling as much as possible. But eventually, he flew down to the station.

The flight helped him sort out his thoughts. While Izuku was right that the teachers were partially to blame for teaching Bakugou, the kid still did so out of his own free will. He wasn't completely blameless, and while Keigo's gonna give him a second chance (from Izuku), Bakugou wasn't gonna get off scot-free.

Keigo strolled in, revelling in the amazed looks he got from on goers. When he entered the police station, the officers clearly tried to keep the amazed looks to themselves, but overall didn't approach him. However, an officer with a cat head approached him. Officer Sansa, if the nametag was correct.

"Detective Tsukauchi is waiting for you in his office," Sansa said respectfully, turning on his heel. With nothing else to do (it's not like he has a map of the station), Keigo followed him.

"Are the Bakugous in his office too?" Keigo asked.

"Yes, they were causing a disturbance." Sansa made a face like he had bitten into a lemon, and Keigo had to bite down a chuckle.

As they approached the door labelled 'Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa,' they could hear both a distinctly feminine voice and what Keigo remembered as the Bakugou kid's voice yelling. When Sansa opened the door, it was to Tsukauchi behind his desk with his hands up, an older woman with spiky blonde hair (Bakugou Mitsuki, his brain helpfully supplied him) leaning over with her hands on the desk. Surprisingly, she wasn't yelling at the detective, but at her son, who was yelling back (seems like he didn't just inherit her looks). The husband was just sitting calmly in his chair.

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