It's True

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Being at Shiketsu may have been the best thing that's ever happened to Katsuki.

Oh sure, he hated it at first. He hadn't wanted to settle for anything less than his idol's alma mater, but he also realized that he was extremely lucky to be attending a hero school at all, and not in juvie.

Due to being under investigation, and then eventually being shut down, he was quickly pulled from Aldera and schooled online. Which he hated,especially because his parents didn't want him leaving the house at all at first, fearing him becoming victim to another villain attack. Thankfully his shrink convinced them to let him go out and train, but that had been a struggle. It had been enough of a fight to get the old hag to attend her own shrink.

He had gotten the idea to clean up the beach on one of his morning jogs. Dagobah beach had been a dump, and there were mounds of trash. It would be good training, an excuse to get out of the house away from the old hag, and a way to add some community service hours to his resume. While no hero school required community service hours, he figured he needed something to stand out among the sea of nerds, especially with his probation.

(It was not because the beach used to be Auntie Inko and De- the nerd's favorite, that was just a coincidence.)

With the thumbs up from the Hat Detective, Katsuki managed to get into Shiketsu with 1,500 community service hours.

Shiketsu had dorms for its students, so his parents helped him move in, with a promise to call every weekend and visit every break. Mainly to make sure their son didn't keel over but also to remind him to keep up his video calls with the shrink.

Anyways, the week at the dorms before class had started was the best it's ever been for Katsuki. He's away from the old hag, which means he can relax a little (the shrink had explained to him that he had constantly been in survival mode, and now that he's away from his mother, he wasn't being worried about being spontaneously yelled at anymore), and there were a few extras who were maybe becoming friends. They lived in his dorm building and stuck by his side, determined to get to know him despite how prickly he is.

He may not be an asshole anymore, but he was here to learn to be a hero, and he didn't need friends for that. Despite that, Shitty Hair and Knife Fucker decided that he was going to be their friend, especially since they were all in the same class. (It wasn't working, dammit.)

Katsuki groaned, flopping back on his bed and rubbing his wrists. He was pretty ahead academically and physically, but that did not help him with all the note taking he had to do. Or the cooking, because none of the extras in the building could make something better than microwaved dinner so he had to step up to make sure none of them starved.

He just wanted to go to bed, but just when he thought he would be able to, his phone rang from his desk.

With another groan, he grabbed it, squinting when he saw the number. It was only Thursday, why the fuck was the old hag calling him?

"What the fuck?"

"Kats! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, why the fuck wouldn't I be?"

"U.A. was attacked by villains!"

Well, shit. Maybe he should've been paying attention to what the extras were talking about after school. (He told them that he needed to charge his hearing aids, but he really didn't want to hear another argument about whether Pokemon or Digimon was better.)

"Kats, you should come back home, it'll be safer."

Oh hell no. He just managed to get away from the old hag, he did not need to go back. But he also couldn't just say that to her face.

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