Visit to the Aerie

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Izuku was putting the finishing touches on his analysis of a villain in Hosu, absentmindedly drinking his fourth cup of coffee. Some nature documentary was playing on the TV, but it registered as static in his mind. He had long abandoned the couch, now just sitting on the floor in front of his laptop.

A red feather flew in front of his face, booping his nose. Izuku squawked, falling backwards and knocking over his coffee. He just managed to save it and his laptop. "Keigo, you ass!"

"Hi Zuku!" The hero called cheerfully like he didn't just almost spill Izuku's coffee. "You're sure up early! I didn't think I'd see you until noon!"

Izuku squinted at the clock on his laptop. "Holy shit, it's six already?!"

The two roommates engaged in a staring contest. Izuku was not losing. "Kid, did you get any sleep last night?"

"Uh... I close my eyes every time I blink?"

"Kami, kid," Keigo closed his eyes and put a hand on his forehead. "You're going to make me go grey. How are you still awake?"


... "What?"

Izuku gestured with the mug. "This is my fourth cup." Then he took a very long sip. With slurping.

Keigo's eyes visibly twitched.


Izuku's eyes widened as they landed onto the balcony of the Aerie. Keigo had to hold his hand as he walked into his office. Plush carpet, a nice desk, the wall that had the balcony was made entirely of windows, and there was a TV on the other side of the wall across from his desk. On the floor was a little nook that was filled with pillows and blankets, and there were a few file cabinets behind the desk with a coffee maker on it. There are a bunch of paintings of various birds on the walls, and a collection of some of the best fanart that was framed and hung on his walls, with little plaques on the walls. Embarrassingly, a few of Izuku's drawings were also up there.

"Really? The bird paintings?" Izuku sassed.

"I have a brand to keep, fledgeling," Keigo shot back, dragging him to the elevator. Which also had bird paintings.

"Alright, your office is one thing, but the elevator is a little excessive." He raised an eyebrow. "Are there bird paintings in the entire building?" The silence was damning. "Of course there is."

They walked into the small cafeteria, which had a small KFC in it. Of course. There were a few sidekicks wandering around, but Keigo pulled him to a table with two sidekicks in particular. (Yes, Izuku was still holding his hand. He's a little touch starved, sue him.)

"Saisei, Mitsurin!" Keigo waved. The two women waved back. The first, the sidekick Phoenix had scarlet wings coming from her body and long wavy dark ginger hair, light blue eyes and freckles. She was wearing a simple sweater and jeans, with a pair of glasses on her nose and was also on fire, although it didn't seem to be disturbing anything. The other woman, the sidekick Corollax had many piercings in her ears and on her face, her hair a rainbow mohawk and wings a shimmering mosaic of colors. She was wearing her hero costume: a silver bodysuit with thigh high combat boots and her goggles around her neck. He was glad to see she took some of his suggestions, based on some of the armored padding on her body.

"Heya boss!" "Hello, sir."

"So, you two remember Dekiru, right?" Keigo asked.

The two looked at each other. "Yes?" Phoenix asked skeptically.

"Where is this going?" Corollax asked, raising an eyebrow. "And who's the kid?"

Keigo let go of Izuku's hand, instead wrapping an arm around his shoulder and dragged him forwards. "This is Dekiru!"

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