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Keigo wanted to help set up, he really did. However, since he was still recovering from the fuckery of the USJ, he was assigned the task of supervising. Which really meant sit to the side while everyone else set things up.

At least by the sounds Aizawa was making, he wasn't pleased to be benched either.

Rumi and Tensei were arranging the room, dragging out chairs to surround a small table they stole from the teacher's lounge. Kayama and Yamada were running errands, while Fukukado and Tsutsumi were on distraction duty.

"We're back!" Yamada shouted, holding a giant box. "I got the cake!"

"And I got the baby!" Kayama grinned, holding up Sushi.

"Give her to me!" Keigo responded, smiling when the heroine handed him the cat. She was purring in his arms, and he swore up and down that her purring was healing him.

"Mirai, Naomasa and Nedzu can't make it, but they wish us good luck," Kayama said, supporting Rumi as she hung up the banner. "They're currently working on the League case."

"We've got this!" Tensei shouted. "We have cake and a cat, what else do we need?"

Keigo felt buzzing next to him, and opened up his phone to see a text from Fukukado. "They're coming!"

Everyone else quickly scrambled to take their places, trying to act casual. But Rumi was nervously thumping her foot, and Keigo himself was preening his feathers.

This had to work.


Izuku had no idea where this was going.

He had just finished his work on the Stain case when Auntie Kaina and Emi took him to U.A, dragging him onto this nature hike thing. They both insisted on not talking about work, so a lot of the conversation was spent talking about Auntie Kaina getting into making stamps and Emi's new relationship with Rumi.

Then they were walking into U.A, going to one of the conference rooms instead of anywhere Izuku expected. Inside was his brother, as well as the other pros he's come to regard as family, sitting around the table with a giant tiered cake covered in green and white frosting. Written in frosting along the sides of the cake were messages like "breaks are good" and "mental health is important" and "you matter :)" (yes, smiley face included). There was a banner hanging that read "Take a break!"


"Come in, sit down." Auntie Kaina led him inside, making sure he took his seat in the empty chair.

"What's all this...?"

"We're here cause we care about you kid," Rumi said, and he could hear her tapping her foot.

"But I'm fine-"

"Don't lie to yourself," Aizawa said.

"Hatsume came to us yesterday and told us that you've been skipping lunch to work," Yamada said, placing a hand on Aizawa's shoulder. "That's not healthy, little listener."

"It's not-"

"You're overworking yourself," Tensei said. "You need to take a break-"

"I CAN'T!"

The room went silent, and Izuku caught his breath, fighting to keep tears back. "I have to keep working- I can't stop. I- I can't lose anyone else."

He looked up when he felt Aizawa's mummified hand on his shoulder. "Kid, we all get it. All of us had tried to bury ourselves in our work to cope with something."

Everyone around him was nodding. Izuku felt a wing wrap around his shoulders, and he looked up at Keigo on his other side. "We all had to learn the hard way that it wasn't healthy. We don't want that for you, fledgeling."

"I-" Words were caught in his throat. "What do I do, if I'm not..."

"We all have different hobbies that make us happy," Emi said, lifting her face into a smile. "When I have time I go hiking!"

"I host the radio show, but I also like messing around and making music of my own," Yamada said, which got some annoyed grumbling from Aizawa. "Sho takes care of his fur babies."

"He has seven, and they're all named Bastard," Kayama said with a wink. That got a laugh out of Izuku.

"Hell, we've even gotten birdbrain over here into hobbies!" Rumi grinned, as if it was a great achievement. Which to be fair, it was.

"I've been fingerpainting birds," Keigo smiled.

He raised an eyebrow. "So you can add to the atrocious number of bird paintings in your agency?"

His brother slumped dramatically onto Rumi as everyone else laughed. Of course, this did disturb the cat on his lap, who instead hopped onto Izuku's lap. He had just noticed that Sushi was here, and was delighted.

"I guess I care for the plants?" He said hesitantly, stroking Sushi. "But I don't know if that counts."

"And the raccoon army doesn't count either," Keigo said. "Because I know you're using them to gather information to do more work."

When Izuku didn't really say anything, Auntie Kaina spoke up. "Here's what we all decided: you're gonna stop working for the next few weeks, until after the Sports Festival. You will spend that time hanging out with your friends, trying out hobbies, doing normal teenager stuff."

"You are still doing your schoolwork though," Yamada said. "That's nonnegotiable."

"And you can do some analysis for your friends!" Emi spoke up. "Just no cases, no heroes. Dekiru is on a mental health break."

"What if there are urgent cases-"

"Then another analyst can work on it," Rumi said. "You may be one of the best in the business, but there are other analysts. The world will be fine if you take a break, I promise."

Izuku sighed. Unfortunately, his older sister had a point. "I don't know what to do."

"We'll help Broccoli-chan, don't worry!" Kayama reached over the table to ruffle his hair. "You're not alone."

As the other heroes around the table all said (or shouted) their agreements, Izuku wiped away a couple of tears. "Thanks, guys."

"It's what family's for," Keigo said, using his wing to pull him into a side hug.

"Alright, now that the intervention's over, it's time for cake!" Kayama shouted, pulling out a knife and starting to slice into it.

"Yes, and it's also time for my other ulterior motive!" Emi shouted, standing up and pulling out a duffle bag from under the table.

"How did you-" "What?" "When did you have time to hide that?"

With a dramatic flourish, Emi continued. "We haven't been able to just hang out in forever, so I decided that it's time for a board game day!"

When the bag was opened, Auntie Kaina looked in the bag, then wrinkled her nose and looked back up at Emi. "Monopoly, really? Are you trying to get us to kill each other?"

As the rest of the heroes started arguing, Kayama handed Izuku his slice of cake with a wink. He offered it to Sushi to sniff, and took a bite when she decided she wasn't interested. With a smile, he bit into delicious minty cake with chocolate chips, and watched in amusement as the heroes argued between Exploding Kittens and Munchkin.

He was surrounded by family, with a delicious cake and a purring cat in his lap. For the moment, all was right with the world.

Who's this Dekiru and why do all the Pros want to adopt him?Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu