Being Caught

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Keigo flew around lazily, gnawing on chicken drumsticks as he scanned the rooftops. He normally wasn't in Musutafu, but the Commission had sent him to look into a couple of things for them. And as their little lap dog, he complied.

They wanted to know what would spurn All Might to become a teacher at U.A. and who Dekiru was, the mystery analyst.

Keigo had his suspicions, of course (about Dekiru, he had no clue about All Might, the man didn't even have a teaching license). From what he could infer, Dekiru was around the same age as him, if younger than him. He had a part time job that he mostly relied on to pay the bills. He had a cat that he sent pictures of (her name was Sushi and she was adorable). He was a massive nerd, especially of pre-Quirk era media. And he was smart as hell. Hawks liked the guy, but the Commission wanted him under their control.

Anyways, he wasn't lazily flying over Musutafu for a break (although these chicken drumsticks were delicious). No, he was trailing All Might. He just landed on a rooftop with a kid clinging to his leg, and just... deflated. There was steam, and then he was smaller. Skeleton Might? Small Might? Whatever, the commission would want to know about this anyway.

He shook a couple of feathers out, moving them down to the rooftop. He missed the explanation that Small Might gave the kid, but did catch the kid's question.

"Can a quirkless person be a hero?"

Oh, that was a loaded question. He crossed his fingers, hoping that Small Might wasn't going to say what he thought he was going to say-

"I'm sorry kid, but no."

Goddammit, Small Might.

He tuned out a little to what the old-timer had to say. He just left the kid there. After a villain attack that Keigo had previously trailed him from. He's not that good of a hero anyways, just showing up, dealing with the problem, and leaving. At least Keigo knows to stay behind and make sure the civilians are alright and get them medical attention before continuing on patrol.

He moved his hand up to his earpiece, about to get in contact with his handler, when the kid dropped his bag. And started to walk.

Keigo moved before he could think, adjusting his bucket of chicken drumsticks to tuck it under one arm and diving. His blood had run cold, and the only thing he could think was 'Please don't be too late.'

The kid had stepped off. He willed himself to go faster.



He grabbed the kid under his armpits with his free arm, spreading his wings out and jetting them up. The kid had only fallen a few meters at most, but that was too many meters for his liking. He pulled the kid close to him, maneuvering carefully back onto the rooftop, away from the edge.

The kid's eyes were wide open in shock, so Keigo took the time to really look at him. He was short, probably around eleven or twelve, and yet the bags under his eyes were the biggest he's ever seen. His eyes were a brilliant green, but they were dull, lacking the spark of life. His curly green hair was a mess, like he had dragged his head through mud. He wore a t-shirt that just said "shirt" and grey cargo pants, with red high-tops that looked scuffed in the sense that he'd had them for a long time, but clearly cared for them.

"Kid," Keigo said gently, trying to project calm and not the absolute panic he really felt. He was briefed on a lot of things in the Commission, but someone about to jump was not one of those things. He was on his own.

"You're Hawks." The kid's eyes were wide. "Oh my god, you're usually not in Musutafu, so I took you away from something important, I'm so sorry-"

"Hey kid, calm down," he said, his hand still gently holding the kid's wrist (loose enough to be reassuring but there in case he tried to jump again). "It's fine, I really wasn't doing anything important. Besides, you're important."

Who's this Dekiru and why do all the Pros want to adopt him?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora