Off to the Ball

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U.A. Teachers and Company - 9:10 AM

Dekiru-chan (Izuku) is online.

Dekiru-chan: pls save me aizawa

Dekiru-chan: im gonn die

Dekiru-chan (Izuku), Pink Panther (Tsukauchi), Jacked Bugs Bunny (Miruko), Falcon (Hawks), Captain Jack Sparrow (Ms. Joke), Eraserdad (Eraserhead), Fus Roh Dah (Present Mic), Anya Amasova (Midnight), and Dr. Strange (Sir Nighteye) are online.

Pink Panther: Kid???

Jacked Bugs Bunny: just give me a name, ill kick there ass

Falcon: ignore him

Falcon: hes bein dramatic

Captain Jack Sparrow: bout wat?

Falcon: the hero gala

Captain Jack Sparrow: ohhhhh

Dekiru-chan: im go be eaten alive

Pink Panther: Kid, I'm sure you'll be fine.

Dekiru-chan: y cant i stay w aizawa???

Eraserdad: socializing will be good for u


Dekiru-chan: ive been betrayed

Anya Amasova: its the 1 day of the yr that shou can get a full night of sleep

Anya Amasova: no 1 can take that away from him

Fus Roh Dah: IT'S TRUE


Anya Amasova: ill b bringin my niece

Anya Amasova: im sure u 2 ill get along

Dr. Strange: Every time I enter this chat, the grammar gets worse and worse.

Dekiru-chan: SASAKI-SAN

Dekiru-chan: u will save me right?

Dr. Strange: From what?

Falcon: the hero gala

Dr. Strange: Ah.

Dr. Strange: Unfortunately for you, I am going with my sidekicks and my intern.

Dekiru-chan: >:0

Dekiru-chan: betrayal


Izuku grumbled, readjusting the tie again and refusing to look at the other two heroes. He'd much rather be at home working, with Sushi in his lap and in pajamas, but no. He had to be in a stuffy suit (even if he did look good and it probably could've been less comfortable) and in a limousine, riding with Keigo and Rumi to the Hero Gala.

Keigo was in the outfit he bought yesterday, lounging with one wing tucked around Izuku. He looked like he just stepped off of a runway. Izuku knew the secret: he spent four hours before this just getting his makeup and hair perfect. He knew because Keigo also spent those four hours making sure that Izuku was also perfectly done up.

Meanwhile, Rumi clearly didn't have the same qualms. The only improvement to her hair was that it was combed, and she was wearing a dark purple vest and slacks that look like they just came out of the closet and haven't been touched for a year. She was wearing a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, and she was wearing the same silver sneakers that she always wore. Rumi told him herself that a few years ago, Keigo insisted on getting her a good outfit for the gala, so she got the laziest option she could and has been wearing it ever since.

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