Chapter 98 - Cut-off (2)

Start from the beginning


“I had to bluff about a major scandal to stop the process. Did I overdo it?”

Now the fuse was lit. Regardless of whether it was well-founded or not, things had to move forward, even if it meant Kang Woojin’s instincts were wrong. However, Choi Sung-gun could only chuckle as he sped up.

“It’s done. Well, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. I’ll even commit a deadly sin if I have to.”

Meanwhile, back at the ‘Island of the Missing’ distribution company, Director Kwon Ki-taek sat alone in silence in a medium-sized meeting room. The atmosphere was somber. Thus, the image of Director Kwon Ki-taek tapping his finger on the desk seemed rather stark.


Director Kwon Ki-taek’s face was full of thought and worry. Then, there was a knock.

Knock, knock.

The glass door opened, and in came Choi Sung-gun, his expression just as serious. He greeted Director Kwon Ki-taek, who was seated near the window.

“Director, hello.”

“You came quickly. Please, have a seat.”

Director Kwon Ki-taek gestured to the seat across from him, prompting Choi Sung-gun to pull out a chair and sit. It was Director Kwon who started the conversation.

“So, shall we hear about this ‘huge scandal’ involving Ms. Seo Chae-eun?”

His tone was relaxed but serious. In response, Choi Sung-gun, maintaining his composure, began with his prepared statement.

“There’s not enough time to tell you everything. Briefly, I’ve received some disturbing information, and I judged that it couldn’t be ignored. I’ll discuss the overall situation separately after handling the matter.”

“Information. What kind?”

Of course, at this point, Choi Sung-gun didn’t have the information either. So, he expressed himself in vague terms.

“It seems like the media, including ‘PowerPatch,’ have sniffed something out. However, we need to check whether they are keeping it under wraps or waiting for the optimal timing.”

“How accurate is that?”

“As I said, it’s fifty-fifty. But even that level of ambiguity is somewhat uncomfortable to overlook. What do you think, Director?”


What’s there to say? It’s beyond mere discomfort. Every year, numerous films are released, and over 70% fail even without any buzz. Director Kwon Ki-taek knew this all too well.

“It’s tricky.”

“Yes, it is. Of course, the decision is yours to make. You don’t have to trust me. But I plan on doing what I need to do.”

“It seems like you plan to move quietly. If I wait for CEO Choi, when can I expect the results?”

Choi Sung-gun, who had been silent for a moment, answered.

“If fast, today. At the latest, three days. We’ll have some news within three days.”

A very confident answer. Soon, Director Kwon Ki-taek, who had been relaxed, smiled faintly.

“Three days, huh? Can you do it alone?”

“I have to do it alone.”

“Alright, three days it is. I suppose we can delay it for about three days, as CEO Choi says.”

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