Arc 2 chapter 5: the cliff of depravity

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There: near a wooden stump lays Lucas. Subaru takes his blindfold off and sees mabeast already hidden.

'just as i thought she'd adapt knowing that I would be using my ranged attacks. That's why I purposely didn't reveal the capabilities of six eyes. Time to make use of it.'

Subaru took down 16 wolfgarms, before they realised his position and intentions, causing them to hide behind trees. Subaru lowered his mask.

Subaru came to Lucas, preparing to make another child backpack:
"Yo, Lucas let's get you home."

"Subaru! I thought I was goin' ta die. Sorry for makin' it hard for ya, I should've known the girlie was no good. That's why ya acted so strange."

"Don't beet yourself over it, out of all of us here only I can see someone's true nature."

"Subaru!" Lucas started crying

"Mild here will explain your duty as my newest rock carrier."

"Subaru can flick rocks so hard that bad wolfs die! We just need to use our hands to hold it until he taps it."

"That's so cool! I better take some!"

During this entire conversation Subaru managed to take down 8 black winged rats with pebbles. The increased difficulty of simultaneously aiming and trying  up Lucas, cost hik some time. With that Lucas was secured on Subaru's back. As soon as they were on his back 4 wolfgarms take a waiting position in front of and two Arkalb's approach him from behind him. Subaru was trying to get rid of as many black winged rats as possible. Grabbing the last two rats and jumping away from 2 whip attacks he seemingly lands right into Ulgarms who were waiting for that moment. Instead he dispatched them with a spinning hook kick, followed by a roundhouse kick by switching the legs.

Subaru activated infinity and paralysing venom was stopped. He had thrown two rats blinding one Arkalb who in confusion infuriated the other with a powerful bone breaking strike. The two snakes fought against  each other and both died.

Another child cry rings out like clockwork.
Moving to another location switching his six eyes every so often he finally spots it. Guiltylowe. It lunged at him but Subaru confronted it head on. Positioning his blade and spinning around so he could evade and simultaneously cut off its paw.

"You're full of surprises Natsuki Subaru, if you were an ordinary man there is no way you could know we were here." A blue haired girl calls out behind the lion's mane.

Subaru was troubled that she knew his full name. Either she got it from Elsa by sneaking inside the prison, or...
Subaru shakes his head:
"It's just Subaru, don't forget it."

"Whatever you say, your next trial awaits." She disappears into the darkness.

There was a hill with a stone on top of it. Usually in fantasies there would be a legendary sword embedded into it. Instead there was a little girl with similar scars as two boys on it.

'this is actually perfect. For my plan I was going to use.'

"Meina! It's Subaru! I need to be brave! When I give a signal, you need to roll yourself down the hill to my position!"

Subaru started running in a circular line collecting the bounty on the heads of Wolfgrams, which were hiding behind trees. He also grabbed black winged rats and threw them against one another. He managed to get 8 Wolfgarms and 10 rats before he heard the wolfgarms on the other side. Subaru threw his sword like a dart into one's Arkalbs head, the snake dropping like a log:

"Now! Roll to my position."

Melina started rolling downwards, not perfectly but with 15 degrees deviation where he was before. As soon as she was on the floor... Subaru was flinging rocks like his life depended on it. He killed 8 Wolfgarms before:

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