Chapter 37: Shouldn't Have Taken It Lightly

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I ran, I ran out of the building pushing open the heavy metal doors. I sat on the steps. I don't think I can run any further.
That was Xavier in there, he was laughing at the pain he caused people. Laughing as he ripped the heart of a man out of his own chest. Covered- no drenched in blood from head to toe.

I don't know when he came out but he did, and he say down next to me.
"Why aren't you in the hospital?"
"....I heard screaming..."
"Isn't that a reason to stay in the hospital?" He snapped. I couldn't even look at him.
"I thought someone was being hurt..."
"And what did you expect to do?! Your human!" He humorlessly chuckled.
I didn't answer. I didn't know how to. I couldn't look at him and he reeked of blood.
Awkward silence hung over us. The tension was so thick I could hardly breathe.
We sat there for a while.
"Ace- look at me."
I didn't move.
"Ace- look at me." He repeated.
I still didn't move.
"Ace!" He shouted.
I flinched.
I slowly turned my head.
And I gasped.
He didn't bother to change. His face pink from the blood smeared. His shirt drenched in sweat and blood. His face blank.
"I told you before I was the most ruthless and feared Alpha, you shouldn't have taken that lightly."
I didn't speak.
"The rogues they are working with my dad, I just know it."
"His heart- you laughed."
"Well, I'm heartless- and now so is he." He chuckled.
"Xavier, I want to go home now."
He didn't look shocked. He didn't look surprised.
"This is your home now." Was all he said before he stood up. "I'll make this building soundproof by tomorrow, but tonight you have to bear with the screams because I have more people to-" he chuckled "question." He said before he got up and walked inside.

And I sat there the whole night hearing screams after screams of different men and women. All night long.

But his laughter was the one that scared me most.

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