Chapter 1: Leaving

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It's 4:30 in the morning, I have a duffle bag of clothes and my phone (of which I canceled myself because my father placed a tracker in it), I go towards my sister's room. I slide the door open, and look at the half blue-half white room. I walk towards Erica, lying in bed asleep, so peaceful. She's only eight, if I leave I'll be missing out on her whole life, I kiss her on the forward and tell her I love her and she rolls over. I went towards Jessica's bed, she's a freshman in high school, I'll be missing out on everything a big sister should be there for. I pull her over cover her shoulders and tell her I love her. I walk towards the exit, taking one last look at the two girls I will never get to be apart of.

I walk towards my parent's room, my hand hesitates as if I'm about to knock- I don't.
"I love you mom and dad, please understand this is for me." I say to the white door blocking me from ever seeing my parents again.

I walk away. I go back to my room and look at the four grey walls that I painted myself- with Jessica's help. I take a pen out of the metal cup that holds all my pens and pencils and I write one sentence.
"I'm not missing, please don't look for me...please forgive me, I love you all."
I place it on my pillow, take one last look at the house I have been in since I was nine. I walk down the flight of stairs, and I walk out the door. Afraid that if I look back, I'll be caught. I walk towards the trains station which is located downtown, about 15 minutes away.

I left the one thing I was taught was the most important thing in life. I left my family.

It's 5:05 and my train leaves in 25 minutes...
Ugh- she'll be fine I'm only a week early.
Crap- Sheila's going to kill me if I don't tell her I'm alive soon. She's probably worried sick.

I not only left my family, but my best friend. I've known Sheila for four years, she's been on my side facing every problem we have ever faced since high school, and we did it together. Today is August 2, high school has been over for about two months. I'm also leaving my friend Leah, she's one tough girl she is. She's been my backbone while Sheila's been my rock. I don't know what I would have done without those girls.

Maybe I'll go into McDonalds and Kik them and tell them I'll visit them in a week. Yeah that sounds good.

Before I could take another step I felt a strong pair of arms snake around my waist and and an arm cover my mouth with a weird smelling clothe...

And that's the last thing I remember...

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