Chapter 24: Day Three

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"I sowed her up, but Xavier if your the reason she cut, maybe you should let her go." Patrick said- I haven't spoken since Xavier discovered my cuts.
"He wasn't." I squeaked, the boy's head snapped to me, probably amazed I spoke. Patrick stared at me, he said his goodbyes and then he left. Xavier on the other hand just stared at me.
"So why did you do it?" Xavier asked.
"Just because you didn't cause it, doesn't mean you didn't add to it." He didn't. "What do you expect me to say?"
"I expect you to help me under-fucking-stand you!"
"Well you expect wrong."
"Why? What am I doing wrong?! Ace, explain to me what the hell I'm doing wrong!"
"Nothing!" I screamed back "okay! Do you get it now?! You've done nothing wrong! I can't even be upset you kidnapped me! I can't be upset, the only thing you've done wrong is allow Ms. Whore to sit on your lap!"
He looked taken back, but I didn't stop;
"I don't understand why I can't be upset! Why I don't hate you! I don't fucking understand it! And you! You are sweet and kind and protective and you're also cruel and you're a killer but I'm not afraid! I don't understand why I want to stay!" I scream, finally realizing what I said, I couldn't find my voice, but he didn't have that problem.
"You want to stay?" He asked breathlessly.
"I don't want to want to stay." I say simply
"But you do want to." He doesn't even ask, he just simply states. "I'm going to leave one of my car keys here, I'm going to go to the pizza place 30 minutes away, if you're still here I have my answer, if you aren't I understand. I'll be back in an hour." With that being said he was gone.

10 min later
20 min later
30 min later
I'm still here.
40 min later
I've decided to stay
45 min later I hear a noise from outside- he's probably here early trying to kill time. I go look out the already open window and no ones there, I come back to the loft to see someone sitting there.

Someone I hope I didn't see.
Someone who just happens to be Xavier's father.
He looks at me and he smiles this sick grin before he stands up and I run, I run but he caught me, before I knew it he punched me in the face and I was engulfed by the darkness once again.

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