𝑬𝒙𝒕𝒓𝒂 #6: Hoodie

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"I can't pick anything..." Xiu puffed her cheeks in frustration, "I don't know which suits me more. I don't know if this matches my look," the woman weighed two large hoodies over her figure, switching between them with a furrowed brow. She glances at her boyfriend through the mirror in front of her and sees that he's mostly uninterested in her struggles. She frowns, pulling out some sort of response from him, "Wukong?"

The simian snaps his head to her direction from his phone and nods nonchalantly, "Yeah, it's cool. You look good in anything, Xiu."

Her frown deepens as he was obviously not paying attention. After all that begging and disguise to make him come with her in a normal couple hang out, he's not as thrilled as she is. This is the first that they'd spend the day not talking about training, nor lazying around in her apartment with a bunch of chips, soda, and movies. Nor was it a day that they'd meet up with the others just for casual chat. It was just her and him, and Sun Wukong seemed so bored out of his mind to pay his girlfriend any attention.

Xiu places the hangers back on the rack and calmly walked away, Wukong following after her automatically. The next they did was search for clothes for him at the men's section. And boy was he full of himself! Either he'd disapprove of her choice of shirt or he'd flaunt himself in the most expensive outfit that makes him stand out. By the time he came out and chose nothing, the woman wasn't in the mood to smile anymore.

"Hey, Xiu, do you think I'd look cool wearing these? I heard they're trendy these days—" when the simian turned around with the shoes in his hands, she was nowhere to be found. "Xiu?" Wukong looks above the isles to see if he'd spot the white haired female. 'Where'd she go?...' he wondered.

A salesman comes to him with his hands clasp together, "May I help you with that, sir?"

"No, I—" his instincts blared at him to say otherwise, "Actually, yes. Have you seen my companion? She's my girlfriend, around this height, has white hair with two black tufts at front?"

"Ahh, you mean the lady who had already exited the store ten minutes ago?" the man says with a lace of sarcasm, and the immortal didn't like his tone one bit.

Though it goes against his prideful act, Wukong let the question slip from his tongue, "Why'd she leave?"

The salesman shrugged, "I truly have no idea, sir, but that shoes you're holding is a limited edition. You may have been too preoccupied with your fabulous choices that your companion decided that her opinions didn't matter for you anymore."

The simian started to frown deeper at that. He's subtly jabbing his finger at him through verbal words, but he's mentally mature enough to sort through in between the meaning of those words. Has he really looked that self-centered today? He hadn't even notice her leave. He sets the shoes back on the shelf, recalling the first few hours they've spent. Self-reflection really got in handy right about now.

The human smiles at him as he noticed that his words got through to the customer, "On the other hand, your girlfriend had been eyeing our gold trim blue oversize hoodie the longest. I suppose she'd likely thought you'd look good in it? Or maybe not, if you're confident about your own fashion sense."

Unlike Macaque who'd smile at the face of obvious disrespect, Wukong did nothing to hide the looming shadow over his features. As he was about to ask what the man's deal was, another one of his colleagues walks up to intervene, "Sir, hi. Is he bothering you? I'm so incredibly sorry," he pulled him to the side and yanked his hair down to bow at the customer to apologize, "He's not himself today due to his own personal issues with his own love life. Don't worry, I'll certainly give him a good talking."

The simian zipped his mouth shut, he didn't have time to bother with other trivial matters as he too worried of his own affairs at the moment, "It's alright... He was just showing me a good product." After looking at it for a bit, he turned back to the nicer salesman and pointed, "Can I get this in red?"

Xiu chilled back at the apartment, but it's evident on her features that she's not in a good mood. Her soured expression only worsened at the sound of the doorknob opening, but she didn't dare turn her sights away from the movie she pulled out to watch on his absence.

"I'm back, my queen!" he joyfully set the bags on the coffee table, obscuring her vision of the screen completely with his body.

Wukong gulped as Xiu didn't greet her like she'd usually do, he may have actually crossed the line this time. But he plans to make things right again and started rummaging through the items he purchased, most of it was hand picked by her before. He asked a few staff for it, and while he received strange looks for a few encounters, the Great Sage set his pride to the side all in the name of love. Thank goodness that his girlfriend got him his own credit card.

He pulls the red hoodie off the bag, making her eyes widen a little, "You've been looking at this, weren't you? I bought us a pair!" He then got another one out with a smaller size, "Red and gold looks better, right? I got the rest of what you picked out as well, and also the ones you're indecisive about earlier for yourself. I just thought you'd look good on anything, so I bought them both." Wukong mentally apologized to every salesperson in the department store for taking credit, but he was desperate to get off her bad side right now. The scowl on her face had lessened by now, and she was only watching his every movement as her boyfriend wore his oversized hoodie. He didn't like how big it was, but since Xiu liked it, he figured he'd have to make do with a few poses. "Pretty good, right? Am I good or am I good?"

She was slowly beginning to smile, and that was what he would love to see everyday.

"Pft," Xiu turns away from him to hide her urge to laugh, failing miserably at it, "... You look like you're pregnant."

Wukong had an irk vein pop out on his forehead, and he suddenly leaps at her to place her head underneath the hoodie he wore. The woman releases her giggles as she tried to pry herself out. Eventually, he successfully kept the woman trapped in after a few wrestle with her head popping out above. He then started kissing her face non-stop, eliciting even more gleeful noises as they plop down on the carpet.

Guess that solves a silent love quarrel?


Alright, that's the end for the Book 1 extras! Now that I've gotten all of that out, we're finally FINALLY moving on to book 2🥳

I'll have to make a cover for it though, even if I'm continuing this here since I did publish it on Quotev and Ao3 as well😅

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