𝑬𝒙𝒕𝒓𝒂 #5: Mentor

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"I'll be off now. Make sure to lock the door if you come out later, okay?" Xiu hurriedly scampered out the door while zipping up her jacket, not letting him have this argument with her today.

The Monkey King slid himself down the couch in frustration and opted himself to do something about it, but the thought that Xiu would defend that sneaky twerp would only rile him up more to the point of losing sense.

She's been pushing on training under Six- Eared Macaque's guidance and had been skipping cuddle time with him for more than he'd liked to. It was always 'Sorry, I got training session today' or 'Mac wants me to finish training it this week to move on to the next lesson' and such.

Alright. He's jealous, he'll fully admit that. There's no way that he wouldn't after that simian pulls one stunt after another before, even if it was at his own favor. The thought of him being skin-touch close with his Xiu is driving him into boiling jealousy.

It didn't even matter to her when he said he could train her along with MK.

"Macaque is a great teacher and you already have a successor to worry about. I can't possibly add myself to your load," was what she replied.

He ran a hand down his face, trying to smoothen out the crease that may have been frequently appearing on his forehead. No doubt his jealousy will eat him alive if he let this continue any further.

The simian stood up off the floor and shifted into a ladybug, flying out of the apartment on his own accord to where Xiu's weekly training occurs.

The gym that housed a few weaponries came in handy for practice combat, it's Macaque's personal training ground that he made use of when training MK before, and has now became the permanent location that he and his new student could spar to their hearts' content.

"Not bad," he dodged the nun chuck swung to his head, "Not bad at all. Put more speed into it."

He'd imagined himself at a loss for how he can improve the current Xiu, but judging by her form and the knowledge she already had of almost anything, the woman can already pass his teachings quicker than when he did with MK. There's no hiding the prideful smirk he has on his face as he ended their training in a mock draw.

Praises weren't expected in their sessions, but there's a difference when Macaque makes a certain expression that'll make her know he'd approved of today's outcome.

He walks off to the side to toss a water bottle on her direction, keeping the other one for himself. After taking a few gulps, he spoke, "Lemme guess, you're worried I'm gonna steal her away from you any day now. I admit, that might not even be a far-fetched idea considering she's got me as a personal mentor. Who knows what might happen behind closed doors, am I right?"

Wukong poofed back to his usual self, glaring daggers at him from five feet away, "I'll bury you a thousand feet underground if you so much as lay a finger on her, Macaque."

"How can I not? We're basically sparring four days a week," he raised a brow at the golden furred simian. "Don't tell me you don't even trust Xiu anymore. Don't act on your selfishness just 'cause she'd rather learn from someone like me than your lazy a^^ who couldn't even train your own successor properly."

"It's not that I don't trust her— I do trust her a hundred times more than myself. It's you who I'm worried about," Wukong grits his teeth.

"Am I interrupting a confession, or is this a monkey quarrel again?" Xiu slings her bag on her shoulder with a deadpan at the sight of her lover.

"Xiu!" he zoomed in front of her and held her shoulders in his trembling hands, "Why can't you just make me your mentor? I'm the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, the Monkey King! There's nothing that I wouldn't be able to teach you."

"Self-restraint maybe," Macaque mumbled, to which the king threw another death glare to his direction.

Wukong turns his attention back to her with a sigh, "I can train you alongside MK, I can teach you both. What does he have that I don't? I promise I can do better!"

The woman hummed in thought, "A slick voice?"

Wukong and Macaque suddenly falls on the floor. It was a completely dumb and unusual answer from her that neither didn't expect it. The golden furred simian slowly crawled to her knees from the verbal damage, "My queen... I-I'll do my best from now on. Just, please don't leave me for that slick voiced b@$tard."

"I'm literally standing behind you," Macaque deadpans at the two of them.

"You'll won't do it, won't you? I'll adjust! I'll do as you say and... copy the way he speaks."

She laughs at the strange scenario unfolding in front of her, if Wukong is a woman, then he must be on his period right now. This is just too damn precious of him. Xiu knelt down and pulled him into a hug, "You don't have to do that, my king. You are unique as you are, I could never think of replacing you. Be it your playfulness or prideful attitude, I'm not leaving your side for any other who isn't you."

Wukong was touched by this and nearly had real tears in his eyes, "You mean it?"

"Of course I do," even if it was a good moment for them, the woman thought it'd soothe him if she did this in front of the one he's jealous of, even if Macaque already knew her steadfast faithfulness to the simian.

"The all powerful Sun Wukong willingly sucking up to a mortal. I never thought I'd see the day," the black furred simian shook his head.

"Shut up! Stay out of this!"

Xiu shushed him in a lulling tone and brushed his hair/head fur, "Alright, you big baby. You'll be little spoon tonight."

"Oh come on, do you guys really have to rub it in my face?" Macaque crossed his arms irritatingly, "Get the hell out of here already!"


There are supposed to be a total of 12 extras before book 2, but since the other ones are more suited after happy ending, maybe I should stop at extra number 6🧐

Anyway, this also doesn't connect to the book 2 storyline😂

✓𝐀𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐄𝐱𝐢𝐬𝐭 『𝑀𝑜𝑛𝑘𝑒𝑦 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔』Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat