𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 50: Together

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Here's a less popular idea: Chang'e and Nezha. Let's take the original history out of here for a moment. They're like polar opposites, and he dumped the ring of samadhi on the moon, causing for her to have a lot of problems with it. Sounds like a good intro to me👀


MK yawned right as he was swinging the door open. It's around five in the morning and he unexpectedly finds himself waking up much more earlier than usual. He stops upon setting one foot on the ground, noticing the woman right away standing several meters from the van with her back facing him. She's holding her hand out to the sky and bringing it to herself, catching her first snowfall of the season.

Xiu turns her head to the side, feeling his stare. She smiles, the simplest but brightest he had ever seen out of her. "Good morning."

The boy stiffened, a slight blush hovering on his face, "G-Good morning." He comes over to her, looking at the sky just as she does, "It's already that time of the year, huh?"

"I barely noticed," she giggles, then raises a brow at him, "You're up early?"

"I couldn't go back to sleep even if I tried," he shrugs. "It feels just like when Pigsy wakes me up to go to work." MK stretches his arms and looked to be just in time for sunrise, the slightly warm breeze sent shivers down his spine. He looks at her again, observing how her eyes glimmered from the rays of the sun, her elation no doubt came from what happened yesterday, which then brings a smile to his face. "So... you and Monkey King are a thing now?"

The question brought immediate blush on her face, "Who told you that?"

"Oh... uh... you two were pretty obvious about it since you came back yesterday..."

Indeed, the two were seen cuddling on the upper bunk that night, his tail wrapped around her figure while keeping her head under his chin. Mei even saved a photo on her phone for her and Tang's scrapbook.

Xiu sighs, shaking her head, "He doesn't plan to keep it under wraps, huh?"

"It's a good thing, I guess," MK shrugs, "Maybe he'd finally come out of mount Huaguo more often now that you're around. I don't know how he could keep living alone in that cave for hundreds of years."

'It's because he's not roaming around in his true form,' she thought, but kept that fact for herself this time. The woman walked to the nearest tree, climbing too fast that MK didn't have time to process what she's doing. Xiu plucks off four long branches off of it and throws it to the ground. As soon as she gets back on her feet, she tosses two of them to MK. "Since you're not going back to sleep, might as well start our training before we go back to the road. Dual wielding."

"Yes!" he cheered in delight.

As soon as Monkey King wakes from his six hour meditation, he's instantly latched on to Xiu everywhere she goes. He doesn't hide the fact that they're together and is very very open about it to the point that the others are tired of seeing it in just less than a day.

"Feed it to me."

"Stop being so ridiculous. You can feed yourself."

"But I want you to feed me!"

"And why should I?"

" 'Cause I'm your boyfriend?"

"Not good enough."

He feigned being hurt by her words and launched at her feet, the air around him turned to a mist of gold before he revealed himself as a cat. He made his eyes bigger, taking advantage of the abilities of the animal to get her favor.

Mei rubbed her face in annoyance and grabbed her plate before going inside the van. There's only so much pda they could take, and seeing the oh so respectable great sage acting like this was less bearable than what one would usually see.

"No," she glared at him, but really, those big round golden eyes is slowly getting through her. The shapeshifter jumps on her lap, making her lift the plate up to prevent it from spilling over. He purrs as he laid on his back on her thighs, giving her the cutest meow he can muster. All these attention he's giving her is just oddly out of character, but that doesn't mean that she hadn't dreamed of this to happen to her as well. "You know you're just embarrassing yourself, right?"

He smirks, getting on a more humanoid position with his body propped up by his elbow, "You think I'd care about that now? I can do this all day until you give in, unless of course you want to save yourself the embarrassment on my behalf..."

She cringes, glancing to the other four people left out here on camp. Xiu sighs and holds a spoon full for him. Satisfied, Monkey King shifts back with a puff and bites happily on the utensil, his tail swinging back and forth behind him.

"Okay, maybe a little too happy," MK grimaces and follows after Mei.

The next day, everyone seemed to have divided from the lovey-dovey couple at the back. Xiu is on her knees behind Monkey King and is currently brushing his fur while he meditates. He said it helps him guide his mind straight to the most important parts of his memories. Who knows if that was ever true.

Pigsy drove the van in switch with Sandy, focusing on the road ahead. If anything, he wanted to step on the pedal and get as fast as possible to whatever destination they end up this time. All these love-in-the-air is making him sick.

Up ahead, he sees a faint silhouette run out of the shadows of the few trees surrounding the plains. His eyes narrowed and he honks the horn a few times to make the stranger go away. But that didn't faze them apparently. This person stood in the middle of the road and raises their arms on either side. Pigsy had to press the breaks as his speed barely made it safe for the bastard that tried to find the quickest way to Nether.

The whole bunch of them flew forward with a groan, tending to whatever pain they have upon impact. The driver looks rolls down the window to confront the idiot, "Hey! You wanting to die, pal?! Get off the road!"

The man— or more accurately, a teen, faked a coughing sound, his hand smearing against the grille of the van, "Oh, the light! It's— It's getting brighter!"

Xiu tilts her head, hearing a familiar phrase coming from outside.

"Why must you kill this poor child," he coughs again, exaggerating his need for breath, "Water. Water! I'm... parched." The kid plummets himself to the ground, faking a faint.

Pigsy shook his head, his eyes rolling at the back of his skull in irritation to the poor theatrics. He comes out of the door, followed by everyone else, though they didn't have to. "Go practice your lines somewhere else, kid. It's not going to work on us."

The woman's face lit up as she sees his face, a smile instantly forming on her face, "Xiaobo?!"

He instantly sat up, looking to the source of the voice that he thought he'd never see again, "Xiu? Is that you oldie?!"

Xiu laughs and parts the group to come through, helping the teen back up to his feet. And just as fast as she came to rescue him, she smacks his head hard to the side, her eyes widening in menacing gaze, "Who are you calling oldie?"

She never had the time to visit back her old stomping grounds. It's been so long that she hadn't even expected to come here again. The woman turns to her friends, giving them a thumbs up, "Looks like we reached a good pitstop today."


✓𝐀𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐄𝐱𝐢𝐬𝐭 『𝑀𝑜𝑛𝑘𝑒𝑦 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔』Where stories live. Discover now