𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 31: Chase

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Macaque looked to the side seeing Xiu among the bunch. He chuckles, greeting MK before turning towards her, "Xiu. Nice to know you survived. You're looking quite beautiful as always."

She looked at Mei, Pigsy, and Sandy as they rushed to the control room, then back to the black furred simian, aiming to buy them a but of time, "Funny, you're looking pretty confident aiming guns at me for the first time. Had a change of heart?"

"Oh no, I don't intend to hurt you sweetheart, unless you're into that kind of thing, I can give you a once in a lifetime experience~"

Monkey King felt a vein pop from his forehead, but he couldn't blame him due to history's circumstances that he himself had made for this scenario. "Deal's over, Macaque. You never kept your words."

"Oh? And I suppose you can?" Seeing him falter at the accusation brought a victorious chuckle to Macaque before he rams the steer, coming in closer to their ship for an open fire. Sandy did his best to dodge the attacks while taking cover in between the mountains.

Xiu scans the area around her, looking for something sturdy to use as a weapon. The ship swerves to the left, making her topple to the side again. Something falls beside her, clanking against the metal exterior of the deck. It's the taser she owned, which Macaque graciously delivered to her before this whole mess.

The surface shook as the enemy landed on deck, she quickly grabs the taser back before glancing behind her. Macaque and Wukong were facing each other on, but the latter was too weak to hd his ground and was quickly tossed aside. MK tried to attack as well, but not having any powers nor the staff, he was quickly subdued as well. Xiu clenched her fists and sprinted towards them. She dodged each time he strikes with his tail and leg, and successfully lands a kick to the gut and a punch to the face, rendering him vulnerable for a second so she could push MK out of the way. Macaque pulls her by the neck, her back against him as he tightens his hold while his other arm locked one of hers behind her.

"No! Xiu!" Wukong struggled under the shadow clones that trapped him in a pile.

"You certainly made your master proud," Macaque chuckles, "Seems like the student surpassed the teacher for the first time."

"This isn't like you, Macaque. You're always neutral to the things around you. Did that Lady Bone Demon have something against you?" she lowers her voice, hoping that he's just playing a dumb prank. But that's very unlikely of him, isn't it?

"Well, sweetheart, neutrality won't always win. Sometimes you have to choose a side that keeps you alive," he glances at the Monkey King who's already shooting him a warning glare. He smirks, loosening his hold on her neck to caress her cheek, leaning to her ear in a whisper, "And you and I both know I could keep you alive. Given that you remember quite a lot now, I'm sure you understand what it means to try and stay alive, but then again, maybe you still haven't."

Xiu already grabbed the taser, setting it to a 20,000 voltage, but just before she could strike, everything around her sight became a blur as darkness blinded her eyes. Sounds were barely audible in her ears until she couldn't even hear what the others are saying anymore.

Survive for as long as you can, Xiu. This is my last advice as your mentor.

She hesitated, her grip loosening on her only weapon.

Do it. Show me all I've taught you.

Her vision cleared, she grips the taser in her hand and goes for the neck. Macaque scowls, clutching his head as the electricity passed through his skull. Him and Xiu fought hand-to-hand, he'd done enough to re-ignite the flame of a fighter in her new self, maximizing her combat skills that she already acquired in training in current early years. She would've liked to question more of his actions, but this doesn't look like the time to do so, and at the same time, something inside her forbids her to do just that.

MK felt helpless once again, already going through it for a dozen times. Right now, all he can do is gaze as the woman, who never once fought side by side with them, continues to strike with the best she's got without a weapon in hand. He felt even more pathetic at that. Just what was he doing all this time? Slacking off? Leaving it to the staff in times of need? His eyes landed on the metal rod he had in hand, but even with a weapon, he still was an idiot who only had borrowed powers from the Great Sage Equal to Heaven.

"Looks like it's a no, then," says Macaque, "Too bad, we would've looked good as a couple." He traps her underneath him, sliding the taser in her pocket. He turns to Wukong and MK who's behind him, "All of you are such a mess. I can imagine why the Lady Bone Demon wants me to bring you two back. Look at you, you're all used up."

A beam of green light almost placed a hole through him, luckily he dodged out of the way in time. It easily dispersed his shadow clones, missing Monkey King by an inch of his hair. He turns to the side to see the descendant of the White Horse Dragon point the sword at him. "Interesting..." She began shooting him a couple of times until Monkey King successfully rescued Xiu from his clutches, stopping beside MK and Mei we're it's safe.

Taunting them further just buys him enough time, he put up enough act to make himself look intimidating in front of them and his spectators. It's only a matter of time before someone from this tedious group manages to think of something to get rid of him.

"Little girl, you can shoot me all you want, it won't do you any good."

"Maybe not. But hey, if you wanna make an omelette, sometimes you have to break a few engines," MK said it so confidently that it made all four of them sweat drop.

Macaque broke the deafening silence of confusion, "Uh... what?"

"Uh— I don't know, I though it'd be cool! Just—" he crosses his arms in embarrassment, "Whatever." MK throws the metal rod, but the simian easily dodges it.

"Woah, didn't see that one coming," he says sarcastically. Macaque couldn't have predicted that he'd successfully aim it for one of the engines, which was the catchphrase he was trying to do. Not even the other three caught on to it until it was too late.

The ship tilted all the way to the side, sending their enemy overboard.

"Macaque!" the woman reached for him, but he fell off too fast that she didn't grab his hand in time, even though she herself was falling off the ship.

"Xiu!" Monkey King jumps to grab her hand, pulling her to him as they slide down on the rails. "There's nothing you can do about him." 'Besides, no doubt that guy can also shape shift. Lucky bastard,' he thought to himself.

Xiu had her arms around his neck while peering down below. They were too high up in the clouds so she couldn't see him anymore. Whatever he intended to achieve, he's definitely doing it half-heartedly if he instructed her like that. 'Macaque... just what does the Lady Bone Demon held against you?...'


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