𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 64: No Regrets

209 20 23

Fair warning, you may need to be ready for some waterfalls🤧


Xiu watched round-eyed at the sight of their powers altogether, aiding MK in his quest to take down the Lady Bone Demon, mech versus mech. Surrounded in the middle of a spell of some sort, everyone seemed to have contributed a fair share of qi to make his own robot bigger, but not her, not yet.

Monkey King glances towards her, sensing her own doubts to lend a helping hand. "You don't have to force yourself, you know." Her head turns towards him at his telepathic communication, earning her a soft smile from him. "You've done enough, Xiu. That's all that matters."

She sucked a breath, looking back at the sight of their enemy before her. She has a choice. A choice that's offered just recently by the demonic benefactor of the once proud clan of the Lians. The big monkey mech got even bigger after another spell was casted by Tang, borrowing vast amounts of qi from who knows where.

"That's your cue." she hears the python demon in her mind again.

Xiu grips the blades. 'I'm not useless. I have my own will, my own reason to be here... to be with them... to be with him in this battle.' With a deep, calming breath, the tip pointed towards MK, through him, right towards where the other blade is.

"After hearing all of this, do you still want to go through it?"

Xiu chuckles, releasing a courageous shout as she felt her load lighten, the powers accumulated in between the weapons, meeting at MK's mech in a deafening blow. The qi around the robot grew larger and larger, almost larger than Lady Bone Demon's mech itself. Her eyes wrung with brimming tears, seeing something so magnificent to the eye-something that even she had helped of doing. It's glow reached miles undoubtedly, like the first rays of sun from the longest nighttime.

MK formed a staff out of every power that was hoarded, something so huge that it even reached beyond the skies. Monkey King nudged Macaque, both wanting nothing more than to end this once and for all. The former looks back at the woman, giving her a thumbs up. Xiu gave him the widest grin in silent cheer before staring at their figures, kicking themselves up towards the staff.

"There's no regretting it now, Lian Xiu."

Her fingers started to numb. Her whole body feeling the same after a few more seconds. Nevertheless, the woman hung tightly on the thin thread, cherishing this beautiful scene before her.

"Yes... In the end, I'll still die, won't I?"

Tᅳᅳhᅳᅳaᅳᅳt wᅳᅳoᅳᅳn't dᅳᅳo.

Everyone cheered after a much awaited freedom from Lady Bone Demon's grasps, congratulating one another and recuperating from the good outcome of all their efforts. Amidst the celebratory cheer, the Monkey King looks around in order to spot a mess of whitish blonde with two back tufts on either side, but the person in question is missing on the action.

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