𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 66: Deathly Gaze

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More than three weeks passed since Monkey King disappeared into the Nether, Xiu's situation isn't getting better. Her eyes are still glazed and her skin isn't returning to their original pigment. She's not even capable of speech and has to be spoon fed down to throat with anything but solid foods.

MK tend to her every second he could after deliveries, making sure that she stays hydrated and would tell her bits of details of his trips down the road.

Mei would crash in every once in a while, having the most time of her life to accompany the woman in a movie marathon at MK's place above the restaurant after her personal errands. As the only other female in the group, the girl was the one to bathe and change her clothes. At least the 'husk' still knows how to use the bathroom, which was a huge relief for any of them. Out of everyone, she's actually the most frantic whenever Xiu would spot something of use to end herself. A rope, a tie, a butterknife, even a paper can be deadly in her hands. She fought the urge to just tie the woman up and just drag her along everywhere, but Tang said that wouldn't be healthy for her.

As for the said man, he wasn't much worried over her condition. If Monkey King said that she'd return to what she once was, then there's no reason for him to break his calm demeanor. Besides, at everything that's happening right now, he doubt that freaking out would be the best thing to do. He'd feed the woman by daytime when he's at the shop— in exchange for free noodles of course. Tang currently reads books about hypnosis, thinking that maybe doing something psychological for her would help bring her back to normal.

Sandy would babysit her every once in a while due to his loving nature, his methods of taking care of her would surpass their messy efforts, but they couldn't leave her to him at the same time. When he looked at the other way for merely five seconds, Xiu had jumped off the boat and tried to drown herself. That's one thing they nearly tipped over from stress.

"I'm back, peasants!" Redson appears in flames, carrying items on either hands as he strut into the restaurant.

Pigsy gives a grunt of displeasure, though he's thankful that the punk didn't light his doorway on fire like last time.

"I got something useful for you noodle brains to keep her in check since you can barely monitor her at all," he tsked. After introducing some kind of device that would alert the person near her of those tendecies, Redson gave it to the chef in charge and turns to Xiu, "My parents are sending their regards, though that's mostly for Uncle more than any of you. It's a wonder how things are going at the Nether, Sun Wukong better be running fast in his shoes."

"The time concept of the other realms compared to the mortals are a lot slower, so I've heard," Tang slurps up the last of the noodle broth, "Depending on the Monkey King, we might have to wait for months— or even years before Xiu can be freed from the curse."

"... What about the candles?"

MK pointed towards the black candles placed on the top shelf. It's melting without its flickering flames, but only one seems to be reducing its height, "They're still burning, so that means Monkey King is still okay."

"Ah... That's to be expected of the Great Sage, I suppose," he finishes attaching the headband on Xiu, one of the devices he brought with him connecting to the main point of his invention. "There. That should do it. I must be off— "

"Here you go, punk! On the house!" Pigsy pushes a bowl and a pair of chopsticks towards him.

"... W-What's this?— I mean, why would you give me one?"

"If this thing's helpful, then I'm making an exception for you," Pigsy stared at the speaker type thing on the counter, "Besides, we're all on the edge just by waiting and keeping her alive... we're just thankful for all the help we can get."

His cheeks flushed, but he denied ever taking the appreciation into account, glancing at the condiments on the corner, "... I do hope that's chili flakes."

"Help yourself," the pig handed it to him and went back to work, "Alright, hundred and fifty-seven deliveries, MK! Don't spill a drop, you hear?"

"Sure thing, Pigsy! Bye, Mr. Tang," the boy salutes, then pats the demon child on the back, pocketing his own alert speaker, "See ya later, Redson!"

"Hmph, noodle brain..." he muttered, staring at MK as he left the premises.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!—

They flinched at the alarm and looks back at Xiu, seeing her about to stab herself on the eye with his chopsticks. Redson snatches it away, which automatically stops the alarm. The three releases a shaky breath of relief.

But what about Pigsy?...

The pig demon guided her inside his home— which was heavily Xiu-proofed by all of them, for every corner and every utensils and every doors. It's messy, but it's the safest place they could put her in at the moment. And also because of that personal favor he had with Sun Wukong.

He sighs, plopping on the other side of the couch as soon as he put her to bed. It's been a rough week, but he's surprisingly getting used to the situation now. Pigsy grabs the remote and wipes the tiredness from his eyes, opening it just in time for Cooking with Chang'e. It's not like he just upped and snatched her from from the simian, Pigsy wouldn't dream of doing such thing.

"Hey, pigman... I need a favor."

He turns to Monkey King, wondering what might've hit his head to suddenly blurt out all these things to him and suddenly asks for a favor. Though Pigsy might've already guessed what that is, he isn't new to that kind of treatment. He switches position, resting his chin on the palm of his hand as his arm resting on his knee, "Yeah yeah, I'm keeping my hands off her."

"No, that's not— Well, I do appreciate that right now, but that's not what this is about."

"... Then what is it?" Pigsy furrowed his brows at him.

The simian sat back up, his carefree smile replaced with a serious frown, "There may come a time that... I might never return. Not because I won't, but because I can't. It's a possibility considering that I might visit a place that'll prevent me from it if I screw up. So when that happens... I want you to be the one standing beside her."

He stared at him as if Monkey King would follow it up with a laugh, but he wasn't joking. His words felt like a final will, then what was the point of pursuing a relationship with her in the first place? "Are you saying you're leaving her?— After what you said you're going to do?"

"... I'm the only one capable of the task I'm about to do," the simian sighs and pats him on the shoulder, "Listen, I know you're a competent guy. You raised MK to be a good kid, you got a good business running, you got the right circle of friends to come with it and help you with anything... You're everything of a normal life that I wished for her and will never give. It's selfish of me to do this, I know—and I might hurt her in the process... but I want to make sure that someone will take care of her. We don't see eye to eye sometimes, but you're the right pig for the job." Monkey King plops his back down to the ground, "... I know you'll won't let anything happen to her either. 'Cause you like her that much, at least."


He knew the consequences of going to the Netherworld👀 I was dying to put this in here after 20 chapters!

✓𝐀𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐄𝐱𝐢𝐬𝐭 『𝑀𝑜𝑛𝑘𝑒𝑦 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔』Where stories live. Discover now