Chapter 51

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Courtney's POV

Days kept flying past just too fast and I still couldn't get a shop. Eric kept saying he was going to get me one but I felt like there was something he wasn't telling me concerning the shop

I didn't ask though, I trust him so I didn't worry about what it was. Besides the shop issue, my week has been great. Eric was actually making more time off work for us and it has been really good for us.

"You're going over to Eric's place tonight right?" I turn around to look at Sophia

"Don't say it like I'm going there for something else other than a sleep over"

She rasied her brows "a sleep over, really" I roll my eyes and get back to doing the dishes while she sat on the kitchen cabinet

"I'm not a kid Courtney" she said

"No one said you were"

"Will that sleep over really ends as a sleep over?"

I stop and turn around

"This isn't the first time, bedsides it's never happened before" I shrugged


I frown at her "but what, this is such an irrelevant topic" I go back to the dishes

She sighs "anyways, sinces you won't be home, can I invite Jeff over?"

"Since when do you need my permission to invite Jeff over?"

"I'm asking as a way to let you know that I'm inviting him over"

I sigh and shake my head. I think this would be the 3rd time this week I'll be staying over at Eric's place, it's been really good so far and everytime I get back, Sophia's always like 'did it happen?' isn't that weird and extremely odd? I don't even think of that while I'm there and unfortunately I won't now either


Jesus Christ, how can someone be so quite?

Eric's driver, Caleb, is extremely quite, the guy doesn't make conversation, he doesn't smile, he doesn't laugh... just nods and says yes or no ma'am to everything I say


"Yes ma'am?"

"Are we almost there?"

"Yes ma'am"

I sighed, well I guess that's a yes or no question

"Do you have a family?"

"Yes ma'am"

"How many kids?"

He just looks at me from the rear view mirror


He nods while looking directly at the street

Well that was a lucky guess

I frowned and rest my back on the chair, this is really boring

"You don't talk with Eric? Or is it just me?"

"No ma'am"

No to which question!

This was getting frustrating

I think for a moment before asking "what do you like doing?"

He looks at me from the mirror with a confused expression

"Do you like mountain hiking?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Really? I used to go hiking with my parents when I was younger, I think when I was 8 or there about"

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