Chapter 8

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I hear buzzing on the table beside me but I ignored it and just went back to sleep. It started again, I groan and finally decided to open my eyes, I look over at the phone on the night stand, I pick it up

"Yeah?" I was very much still asleep and I could feel a bang in my head, I need a full rest

"Courtney it's Mrs Martinez"


I immediately seat up straight and clear my throat before saying

"Oh good morning ma'am"

"It's 11 minutes pasted 12" she plainly said

Oh shit I over slept

"Anyway I was calling to find out if my dress was ready"

Her dress!

Oh God oh God. I remember having a dream about it, I dreamt I finished it and immediately fell asleep on my sewing table

It was a dream!!?

Holy shit I'm so....

I turn my gaze to my room door.

I finished it? Oh my God I finished it!!

I got up from my bed and walked over to the dress which was perfectly worn on the mannequin

I got up from my bed and walked over to the dress which was perfectly worn on the mannequin

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Wait but I didn't wear it

"Courtney?" Oh I forgot she was still on the line

"Yes yes, it's ready" I breathe out

"Good, I'll be expecting it in the next 1 hour"

"Alright ma'am" and she hung up

"Hey" the door opens up with Sophia coming in

"Hey" I sat on the bed

"I wore it on the mannequin for you and to be honest, this dress is absolutely dazzling" I let out a chuckle

"Thanks, I'm happy I'm done with it, I need to rest" I lay flat on my back "wait how did I get on the bed?"

"Welllll as your best friend and housemate, I carried you while you were fast asleep on that table" she proudly said

"Thanks" I chuckled before rolling on my side

"You look exhausted" she walked towards me

"I am exhausted" I seat up "i need to get ready so I can deliver the dress

"Alright I'll go make breakfast for you" she heads towards the door


"I'm here to see Mrs Martinez" I told the girl who opened the door

"Come in please" she led me to the living room

"Someone's here to see you ma'am" she said to Mrs Martinez who was seated on her three seater with Miss Theresa and Mr Martinez

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