Chapter 42

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"I did not plan for this" Daniel complained for the....5th time I think

"Can you shut it, he's coming" Gloria said

"He's been coming for thirty minutes now" he gets up and starts strolling back and forth

I decided to take today off from work, but my new found friends had other plans. Gloria called me early today saying we should "hang out" at Eric's

Hang out, with me!

I accepted and now we're at Eric's house, he hasn't come downstairs yet so that's the reason for Daniel's complaints

I think we've been here for thirty minutes now....well they've been here, I'm just getting here

"I wanted to simply take a nap, you made me come here" he turns to Gloria

"Get your busy self down here Eric!" She shouts

We hear a door closing upstairs and footsteps on the stairs before we finally saw him coming down

"Oh wow, finally you decided to grace us with your presence" Daniel rolls his eyes

"I'm sorry guys I had to...."he stops midway when he saw me

"You finally show you" I chuckled

"Why didn't anyone say she was here, I could have been here way earlier" he walks up to me and envelopes me in a hug

"Are serious??" Daniel said

"We've been down here for almost an hour now"

He pulls away a bit and looks at me

"I'm sorry, did I keep you waiting long?" He asked me

"Nope" I shook my head and he smiled at me

Daniel walked towards us and pulled us apart

"Hey what the heck?" Eric said

"I was half asleep when that one called and asked me to come here, you owe me an apology"

"I have a name moron" Gloria said

"Alright alright I'm sorry everyone, there's just a lot of work to do at the company, coupled with Crystals, I'm sorry" he said to them

"Fine" Daniel said and walks to to Eric's mini bar

"Um what are you doing?" Gloria asked

He picks up a glass "going for drink"

"Well if you're going for a drink then we'd better go get some swiss cheese because I really don't want any problem today" Eric said

I placed my hand over my mouth trying to prevent myself from laughing and Gloria chewed on her bottom lips so she wouldn't too

Daniel slowly and quietly placed the glass back along with the drink and turned to us

"How are we friends again?"

"You stole my girlfriend then dumped her and tried to cheer me up from the breakup that you caused" he plainly stated

"Oh yeah" Daniel chuckled

Eric rolled his eyes and turned to Gloria "so what's this meet up about?"

"Well I was thinking, since Courtney's your girlfriend now and we kind of already know her...that kind of makes her part of the group and we haven't exactly established that" Gloria said

They all turned to look at me

"Wait we have to establish it?" Daniel asked "is this some kind of cult?"

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