Chapter 30

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"Just one" Sophia whines for the 7th time!

I sigh "here" I hand her the box of cupcakes and she squeals in response

"I couldn't eat them all by myself anyways"

I adjusted on the couch and put a pillow on my lap

"So....what did you guys talk about, why was he here?"

I turned to her and back to the television

"Oh come on, you can't leave me hanging" she whines again

"Jeez Sophia I can't hear the TV" she pulls the remote control from my hand and turns off the TV

"What is wrong with you?" I turned to her

"Now you'll talk"

"No I won't, leave me alone" I fold my arms

"You can't just leave a girl hanging. C'mon what did he want, why did he get you these? Does he like you"

I snapped my head to the side "are you kidding me?"

"Well it's possible" she shrugged

"He doesn't like me Sophia"

But his friend apparently might

"I must admit though, I was a bit at lost for words when Eric said he knew you like more than just bumping into you, apologising and leaving" he said

"I really don't know how we kept meeting after that" I adjust myself so I was sitting and facing him

"I need to ask you something"

"Sure what's up?"

I clear my throat "it may sound stupid and absurd, but is there any possibility that Mr Martinez me?" God I just sounded stupid

Daniel raised his brows and straightened in his sit "did he say anything about it?" He asked and I shook my head

I expected him to laugh,  thank God he didn't

"It's just, the way he talks, the way he asks, everything in general"

He let's out a soft sigh "I think you should talk to him, it's better if you do"

And now i have to talk to him

"So...." was she seriously waiting for me?

"Not right now sophia" my head wasn't in the right place

I picked up my phone and walked to my room. I needed to rest or my head would explode


"Thank you so much, I love it" she said with a smile

"I'm glad you like it, and please come again" she nods and exits the shop

I was doing really good with customers, it's not as bad as I first opened so I'll be thankful for that

I decided to come to the shop today because I remembered that some clothes had to be collected today, besides I think this would be the best place to talk

The door was slightly pushed in and the bell rung. Eric walks into the shop and closed the door behind him

I had finished delivering the clothes and it was exactly 4:15 so I walked around him and when I got to the door, I flipped the open sign to closed and drew the blinds on the door down

I was leaving soon anyways

"Good evening" I greeted

"Good evening" he returned "you said you wanted to talk to me"

I nod

"So...what's it about?"

I fold my arms and leaned on the table in front of my window

"Eric..." yeah, I decided to use his name and once again he seemed surprised "I don't know if I'm imagining everything, but..." I push myself up and walked towards him "some thing's definitely going on, isn't it?"

He frowns his brows "I don't get you"

I don't get me either

"What's with all the small gestures?" I throw my hands up and it landed at my sides "the thing with the glass cup at my house, the thing about going out with me over and over again, then yesterday at your house, what's going on?"

He seemed to understand now because he let out a small sigh. He took one hand out of his pocket and itched behind his neck

"Courtney....i don't...i mean I didn't mean for everything to seem weird and complicated to's just that...." he paused but his hands were out of his pocket and he nervously rubs his palm together

I looked at every move he made, was he going to confess?

No Courtney, don't be ridiculous

"I really like you, a lot"

He what?

"I've never been in a situation where I fall for the girl first so being in that position just made everything hard and I didn't know how to act around you"

My mouth was left hanging slightly opens as I stared at him

He was waiting for me to response but I didn't know what to say

No, this was certainly a joke, he's pulling on my leg

I started laughing and I placed both my hands over my mouth

"No no, you're kidding, that's funny actually" I said while I laughed but he seemed more hurt than any other thing by my reaction

My laughter slowly died, he wasn't kidding

"Wait, you're're not kidding" I took a few steps back

He slowly shook his head

He's not kidding

How am I suppose to feel right now? I felt my heart beating faster but I didn't know if it was because I was scared or if it was because he just told me that he likes me

"You wanted an explanation right? Well that's it" his voice was calm and he seemed a bit nervous

"I wasn't....I wasn't expecting....that." I confessed

He took few steps towards me and stopped like a feet away

I was staring up at him because yes, I'm short

Well not short short, I'm a 5'6 and he's like 6 feet, so...

Wait, how is this even relevant?

He slowly and slightly caressed my face with the back of his hand. I felt goosebumps all over my body, my breath stuck in my throat and I couldn't breath, literally

I didn't know if I should say I was uncomfortable or just all around nervous

He slowly placed his palm on my face and continued caressing my cheek with his thumb

The fireflies were back and my heart beat picked up pace all over again

Was I dreaming?

He leaned in and I totally lost my breath at that point. He moved and just a few inches away from my lips, he moved his head and kissed my cheek

He pulls back and said "I can tell you're nervous, so I'll leave your space" he walks towards the door, opens it and walks out

I could still feel my heart beating fast and my breathing a bit Uneven

What do I do?.

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