Chapter 36

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Courtney's POV

"Oh God" I groaned. I don't remember the last time I had a good night sleep.

I spent almost all night on Brittany's dress and Chloe's jumpsuit too. I finished Brittany's dress around 11 and just decided to start up on Chloe's immediately. I spent almost the entire day yesterday on the dress after Sophia and I had lunch and now it was just left for me to put the stones on it so I could fully concentrate on Chloe's jumpsuit.

"No no" Sophia pulls me away from my sewing table

"What?" I sounded so weak

"You didn't sleep at night and you're still sewing?"

"It's Chloe's" I yawned

"So what? You just finshed with one and you're immediately moving to the other, you have to go to bed" she instructed

"It's 11 am, you already stopped me from going to my shop"

"Because you might just collapse on the streets. Stop being stubborn and have some rest. Do you really want to go on your date looking like a zombie?" She scolds me

I looked in the mirror. My hair was all messy, my glasses sat lazily on my face and my features looked tired

"I could use some rest" I admitted

"Good" she pulls me to the bed and I fall flat on it

"I'll hang up your dress for you so it's not wrinkled"

"Thanks" I whispered. I already felt myself dosing off and finally I fall asleep


"Courtneyyyy" I felt someone shaking me

I groan and turn to my side

"Courtney Jones!" she half yelled but I didn't get up

"Leave me alone" I whine while still half asleep

"Should I cancel our date?"

My ears tingle and my eyes shot open

I abruptly stood up and turned around to see Eric

He was here already?

What time was it? How long did i sleep!?

He had a smile on his face and he looked so....well you know


"E..Eric" i stuttered

"Hi" he chuckled slightly

I shot a glare at Sophia and she just lowered her head

"I thought we were leaving at 4?" I asked

"It's 4:30 Courtney" Sophia whispered and I put both my hands over my mouth

" sorry" I apologised and he just laughed

"It's not a problem, I left the office 10 mins past 4 anyways"

"I'll get her ready" Sophia tells him and he nods before walking out

I grabbed a pillow and started hitting her with it

"What the hell is wrong with you, why did you let me sleep so long? And why on earth would you bring him in here?" I whisper-yelled

"I thought you wouldn't mind, stop hitting me" she whined "besides, I wasn't the one who asked you not to sleep at night, was i?"

I threw the pillow back on the bed and walked to the bathroom.

I really need a bath.

I came out a while later and my dress was on the bed along with some accessories

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