Chapter 16

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Courtney's POV

A ray of sunlight peeked through my window and straight into my eyes. I groan and turn the other way but I realised that I was already awake

I slowly opened my eyes and sat up, letting my eye adjust to the light I stretched my hand to my nightstand to check the time on my phone but it wasn't there

"Must be in my purse" I muttered before getting up and checking the purse I took out last night

But it wasn't there

I frown my brows and walk out of the room

The whole house was scenting from Sophia's cooking and at times like this, I'm glad I'm not living alone

"Sophia have you seen my phone?" I walked into the kitchen

"Nope I haven't, did you check your purse?" She asked with a spoon in her hand

"It's not there" I start to panic

She puts the spoon down "alright calm down, let's go look for it"


"I'm so stupid, how the hell could I have misplaced my phone!?"

I was definitely panicking

"You're not sure you misplaced it Courtney, did you go anywhere else besides the hotel?" She asked

My head immediately snapped towards her direction

"No there's no way, I couldn't have left it at the restaurant...."

"You went to a restaurant?"

"Yeah yeah, I was hungry and Mr Martinez bought me dinner at a restaurant"

"And I'm just finding out!" She yells

"Keep your voice down and we have more serious things at hand like my phone"

Oh God oh God oh God

Thereafter, there was a knock on the front door

"Probably Jeff, I'll get it" she walks to the door and I sit on the couch trying to retrace my steps from last night

"Good morning"

My ears tingle when I heard Eric's voice. I raised my head up and saw him standing at the front door

"Good morning sir" Sophia said almost immediately "are you looking for Courtney" she rushes to me and pulls me to the front door and now i was a few feets away from Eric

"Mr Martinez" I said, sounding surprised

"Hello Courtney" his lips tugged up into a smile

"P..Please come in" I move out of the way and he steps in

"Thank you"

We all stood quietly in the living room before Sophia excused herself

"What brings you here?" I asked

"Oh..well you left your phone in my car last night" he hands over my phone

I let out a breathe of relief I never knew I was holding

"Thank you so much, I thought I lost it"

"I'm sorry, I should have brought it earlier"

"No no it's fine, thank you for bringing it to me. And yes about dinner last night, how can i make it up to you?" I actually considering offering to have breakfast with us

"Have dinner with me again" he said without hesitation

I blink a few times before asking "dinner?"

He nods

I looked behind me and back at him

Eric Martinez wants to have dinner....with me?

He raises both brows, waiting for my response

"Wait you're actually serious?" He couldn't be

"Of course I am" he looked serious

He is serious

I was about to say something when I saw Sophia from behind mouthing a 'yes' then signalling that she was going to kill me if I said no

"S..Sure of course" I accepted

A smile formed on his lips

God he's handsome

What is wrong with me?

"So...when exactly?"

" bout tonight"

"Alright no problem" I shrugged

His ringtone goes off

He takes the phone out and stares at the screen

He hangs up and puts the phone back into in pocket

"I'll be on my way now" he said

"Okay, I'll see you off"

I walk him to the door and opened it for him to step out

"Just so I can call you, can I...get your number?" He asked

I hesitated before saying "alright" he handed me his phone and I inputted my number before handing it over to him

"See you at 7" and he leaves

I slowly close the door and the next thing I hear were screams coming from Sophia

"You are one lucky angel, you have a date with the Eric Martinez"

"Stop being ridiculous, it's not a date" I walk past her

"Are you too blind to see or you just don't want to see. I'm not saying he likes you cause I'm not sure of that but girl he definitely wants to be friends with you "

I let out a sigh and walk towards my room door

"I really don't know what's wrong but you'd better get something nice to wear!" She yells before I closed my door

She's being ridiculous for no reason

Eric Martinez and I, on a date?

Oh please

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