Chapter 7

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Eric's POV.

"One minute Eric, you couldn't have waited one freaking minute?" I let out a sigh.

I decided to come out from my house today to take an evening stroll and foolishly invited Daniel along with me. It was going well at first until he decided to get a cup coffee for us but I immediately lost my the zeal to eat anything when he got the coffee and used mine to flirt with some girl. The moron gave her my coffee just to take her number and now keeps bothering me that I dragged him away so we could leave.

"You gave her my coffee" I plainly stated

"Jeez if you want it that bad there's a cafe right here" he points across the street

"Don't bother, not interested any....Courtney?" I trail off when I noticed Courtney walking towards the coffee shop

"Who?" Daniel asked confusingly


"Courtney!" I heard my name

I looked around for who could possibly know me around this side of town

"Um Courtney" Sophia taps me and points at a directions with my gaze going with her arm and it lands on Eric Martinez

"Eric Martinez?"

"Eric Martinez?" Sophia said wide eyed

I look behind me and look back at him, he was actually calling me!

"You never said you knew Eric personally!" Sophia looks at me

"I don't" I'm also confused on why Eric Martinez would call out to me in public


"Mr's nice seeing you... again"

so yeah we eventually walked up to him. He was standing across the street with a really handsome guy, he looked very very familiar but where do i....

"Daniel Grey" Sophia whispered, surprise clear on her face

Wait, Daniel Grey!!?

I immediately let out a small gasp, clasping my hand over my mouth

Daniel grey is literally the most famous and and one of the most successful male models in LA. He's been all over the country due to hai line of work and being this successful at such a young age without any help from his family really got his name all over

A smirk appeared on Daniel's face and he said "what beautiful ladies we have before us, you guys okay?"

"I..we..I mean..oh wow" Sophia sighed dreamingly

Calm down girl, you have a boyfriend

Daniel and Eric let out a small laugh before Eric asked "you girl's alright?"

I finally came to my senses when  he spoke up

"Oh um yeah..yeah I'm alright but she, not so much" Sophia still had a smile on her face while she kept admiring Mr Martinez and Mr Grey

"it's nice to meet you girls, what are your names?"

"Sophia Kenneth " she immediately said

"Courtney Jones" he looked at me for a while before turning to Eric

"Gloria's Courtney?" He whispered and Eric nods

"She's cute" I indirectly thanked him with a smile and Eric face Palmed himself

"What're you doing around here?" Eric asked me

"Well we came to watch the sunset a bit but then decided to have coffee"

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