Chapter 41

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Eric's POV

"Was the document delivered?" I asked

"Yes it's right here" Matthew hands it over

I make my way out the elevator and to the exit

"Sir!" Clare called

"Not right now Clare" I said and I walked out the door

I went straight to the black Volkswagen parked in front of the company and the back window was rolled down

"Good Morning dad" I said

"Eric, how are you? I'm very sorry I couldn't call after you came back from the UK"

"It's not a problem" I tell him

"What's this about shortage of funds in Crystal?"

"I had a meeting with the General Manager yesterday and it seems like they may be having a bit of an embezzlement problem" I explained

He frowns "embezzlement?"

"Yes sir"

He reached for the document and I handed it to him

"That's a list of the people who we're suspecting to be part of this"

He went across it "I didn't appoint any of these people"

"That was kind of the job of the GM and I may have given him that advantage"

He sighed "we can't let this come out, I'll get to it and inform you of everything"

I nod then he rolled up before the car drove off

I turned around then went into the building and Clare called for my attention, again.


"What is it, Clare?"

"Sir Miss Mina is in your office" she said

"Excuse me?"

"She threatened to cause a scene if I didn't let her in, I'm extremely sorry"

I rubbed my forehead and sighed before walking to the elevator

I got to my office door and opened it meeting with Mina sitting very comfortably on my chair

"Oh hi Eric" she stood up

Why am I so unlucky?

"Mina what are you doing here" I sighed

"I came to say hi" she walked towards me

"You're always coming to say hi" I point out

"You never called" she change the topic

"Mina I have things to do, okay? I have a company to run, a hotel to check on, trips to make...don't you work?"

"Of course I do" she bring her hands to my chest, adjusting my suit

"You do know I own a beauty palace right?" She added

"Kinda yeah"

"So you should know I work too...but I make time for you don't i?"

"Mina we are not doing this"

She takes her hands off "you never loved Theresa, but you have her a chance"

"Do you monitor my life now?"

"I don't monitor your life, in case you haven't noticed, I and Theresa aren't the best of friends so I'm always up on what's bad in her life and that includes the fact that you were never in love with her"

I ran my hand down my face while the other was in my pocket "But now I and Theresa are over"

"After 3 years Eric, 3 freaking years and you won't even give me a month?"

"How is that even gonna be possible, I have a girlfriend, do you think she'll be happy if she found out I was dating someone else?"

She moved back a bit "Wait a actually had someone?"

"Mina, I had only 3 hours of sleep last night, please I'm not in the mood for anything stressful"

She let's out a dry chuckle "wow, I'm never on the board. First Theresa and now another slot"

"Hey! Watch it" I tell her and she only stares at me with astonishment

"Eric you're actually serious? I'm wealthy you know, I'm successful, yet you couldn't even pick me?"

"Daniel is single, you want his number?"

"I'm not joking here Eric"

"Me neither"

Her phone goes off and she sighs

"We'll talk later" she grabs her bag and phone before leaving

I heaved a sigh and walked to my seat, the stress I'm going through at just 26 is way too much for my age

Courtney's POV

"Soph please pass the pin cushion" I start taking out the pins from Chloe's jumpsuit before I start sewing

"If only you rest as much as you work" Sophia said

I stop and turn to her "you of all people know what I'm like, why do you still bother?"

"I'm hoping you'd change one day" she shrugged before she got to picking up pieces of fabrics around

"If only you work, you'd know it's not that easy to just lay back" I get back to sewing

"Even if I work, it'll be pretty easy for me"

"You're extremely lazy"

She scoffs and pulls out her phone

"Celebrity gossip" she coed as she scrolled through

"Why are you so interested in things like that?" I asked her

"Because it's celebrity gossip"

I just roll my eyes and decided to ignore hair

"Look look 'billionaire daughter Mina Rachel suspected to be having an affair with'....." She stops

"With who?" Sounded interesting

I didn't hear her say anything and I turned around"what's wrong?"

"Hm?" She looks up at me

"What's wrong?" I asked again

"Oh nothing nothing...I just...I mean my battery's about to die that's why I stopped" she tucks her phone in her pocket

I frown my brows"you're acting weird"

She shrugs "I'm a little bit weird, let's hurry and close up already, I'm tired"


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