Chapter 22

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Eric's POV

"I'm fine really"

"Have a nice day"

Was I trying too hard?

I don't know why felt I was trying too hard but yet not hard enough, most times she seems a bit uninterested

Come to think of it, she's never called me by my name before

Urgh, I've never been this bothered about a women in my life

"Eric" i snapped out of my train of thought

My dad looked silently at me

"I'm sorry dad, where were we?" I straightened myself

"What's on your mind?" He asked

"It's nothing really" I assured him

He nodded before speaking "The Lawson's will be here in a week or so to discuss more about the hospital project and I'll be away at that time, you most definitely won't have a problem talking to them would you?"

"Of course not, I've been handling the company's affairs for 5 years now" i simply point out

"And I'm proud, but let's divert for a moment, what exactly's happening between you and Theresa? Your mum won't stop complaining about how stubborn you are" he leans forward a bit

"Dad you know your wife, she wants everything done her way and if it's not, she's always complaining. I honestly can't be with Theresa anymore, I never wanted to in the first place" I explained to him

"I always knew nothing good would come out from a forced relationship, but your mother never seems to listen"

I leaned foward, resting both my elbows on my knee and intertwining my fingers together

"For some reason, I feel like she's still leading Theresa on, she's still giving her the hope that we'll be together" I really didn't know why, but my mum was very capable of doing that

"She'll get tired eventually" my dad shrugged

Knowing my mum, she's not even close to giving up yet

Speaking about women

"Dad are are we done...or..."

"You have somewhere to be?" He asked

"Well...." I push myself up slightly from the chair

He stares for a while before saying "Go on ahead"

"Thanks, I'll see you later dad" and I was out of the office


Courtney's POV

Time seemed to move faster by the second, I literally just got here and it's already mid-day. I haven't had anything to do all day, I had to ask Sophia to bring Gloria's unfinished dress before she left to Jeffrey's but despite that, it's actually really gloomy being here by myself.

I put off my sewing machine and stretched out a bit

God, sewing isn't easy.

I ran my finger through my hair before picking up my phone, there was a text from Gloria

Miss Gloria
        Good morning Courtney, are you available?

I scroll through my contact and dial her number and after a few rings, she picks up

"Hello Courtney"

"Good afternoon, sorry I didn't reply to your text, I just saw it" I tell her

"It's not a problem, I just wanted to know if my dress was ready?"

"No not yet, but it should be by the end of the week" I tell her

"Alright then, no problem. I just wanted to find out" she said

"Okay" and I hung up

I placed my phone down and let out a sigh

I was hungry

"Ugh God" I sigh again

I pick up my phone and stand to my feet. I look at my reflection on my phone screen, I ran my fingers through my hair and adjusted my glasses before heading towards the door.

I opened it and I really couldn't explain what was happening

"Just go in, you can just....go in"

It was Mr Martinez

He had his back faced to my shop and he seemed to be....talking to himself?

What on earth was he doing?

"God what's wrong with me" he said with a sigh

I tilted my head watching him

He sighed again and opened his car door

"Mr Martinez" I called out and he abruptly turned around

"Courtney!" he seemed surprised

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Um...I was....i was around and decided to come say hi" he explained

"Around here?" That seemed odd

"Yeah" he said


"Are you heading out?" He asked

"No no, I just...well yeah I'm heading out but just for a walk" telling him I was going for lunch would not be a good idea, he seems to like taking me out to eat nowadays

"Oh okay, um i was just leaving anyways" he said

"Okay thanks for stopping by" even though he never actually said hi

He nods and places his hand on his door handle but he never actually opened the door

"Is everything alright Mr Martinez?"

Honestly nothing seemed alright

He cleared his throat "yeah everything's fine....hold on" he turns around "you don't call me by my name, why is that?" He asked

Wait what

"Why would i? I can't call you by your name, I'm more comfortable calling you Mr Martinez" I simply state

He nods and turns around again but this time He opened his car door, got in and after a while, he drove off

Everything about this situation was weird

But food first then we'll figure out the situation later

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