Arc 2 chapter 3: teach and be taught

Start from the beginning

"Then why not give that power away?"

Subaru rubs the back of his neck, sporting a nervous smile:
"It's simple really. You choose to do your best and endure the misfortune fate gives you. You do it for selfish reasons. Even I help people for my own benefit and enjoyment."

"That still somehow doesn't sound right." Emilia looks away troubled.

"You have a kind heart Emilia. I'm sure Lugnica would prosper under your rule. To go back to the topic at hand about Ram's horn can I get a demonstration of its power, Rem?"

Subaru lifts his blindfold, Rem obeyed

"I see. It's like showing your heart to the world in order to be embraced by its love. You show your vulnerable self, and in turn the world gives you its power. Demons are a truly captivating race. Thank you Rem."

Rem blushes, and Subaru pulls down his blindfold

"I can now affirm that there won't be any danger. Moreover by what I just witnessed, chances for Ram's recovery just doubled, because of her twin status. Sadly it is still a big gamble."

Subaru stayed there deep in thought.

"Weeeeeeell, we are all patiently awaiting for you to reeeveal your treating method."

"It is called a reversed cursed technique or R.C.T. ! It gives the user the ability to restore lost body parts, as well as reversing your innate curse technique as the name would suggest."

"Isn't that wonderful Nee-sama?! You can finally get your horn back, and Rem will... Rem will" she started sobbing into her sisters shoulder.

Ram hughs her sister and rubs her back:
"It is fine, Rem, it wasn't your fault. Ram can function perfectly even without a horn."

Roswaal's face twitched in suspicion:
"Suuubaru-kun, I assume there is a catch to such unbeaaaatable power."

Subaru nods:
"Obtaining R.C.T. is what you call a pinnacle of Jujutsu sorcerery, the ultimate mountain climb. Very few Jujutsu sorcerers are ever recorded to reach it."

Beatrice tilts her head:
"Did you just say Jujutsu, I suppose?"

Subaru remembers his conversation with Reinhard:
"O yeah, it is not the same as the assassination technique from Gusteko, ranter a form of martial arts with usage of curse energy. I assume your version still uses mana, correct?"

Beatrice nods:
"Yes Jujutsu can come in the form of a magical circuit or a more primitive iteration a clump of foreign foul mana that attaches to a person's od. It is largely frowned upon, so best not use the term in public."

"No way. I am not changing what it already is. Perhaps I can sell it as new version. Aratashi Jujutsu sounds stupid, shin jujutsu can mean new and true. Well I hope it sticks."

Rem managed to compose:
"Then it is settled, Rem's Nee-sama has a superior talent among all. She can definitely learn Shin jujutsu and get her horn back!"

Subaru sighs, slumping back into his seat:
"Just to put into perspective how difficult that is, six eyes users are naturally inclined to have better control over cursed energy. And no matter how my brother was talented, he didn't manage to obtain it."

"Then this was all for nothing." Rem was frustrated.

"Not necessarily... I'm not entirely sure, but your horn might actually help you out in mastering cursed energy and techniques. Ram, you could also have some of that raw talent may still be present in you."

Everybody looks a little relieved, especially Roswaal. Ram on the other hand was slightly troubled / displeased.

"The real problem here is the mystery surrounding its manifestation. Until I experience it myself I can't properly teach it to you. That doesn't mean you should give up on learning cursed energy manipulation. Once I breach the irongate door, you can all try to follow my example."

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