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I wrote another ghost story cuz- Well, I wanted to lol
Ghost stories are cool. And Superheroes are too.

Triggerwarnings, but Error's a ghost, so death is often talked about here-
Also, Major Character Death Warning


Error peeked curiously into the kitchen, his ghosty body floating over CQ.
The child watched as the woman was cooking something for her children, humming softly to herself.

She couldn't see him, of course.
He was dead, after all. He had been dead for a while.
Error didn't really remember what made him die, but either way, he was dead.

He remembered that he had rested in this house until CQ had moved in. He'd been so curious about the strange woman and her two children. But he's gotten used to them. He liked them, actually.
They were cool.

He liked hanging around Geno and Fresh, it was fun watching them play games.

He missed the time CQ was still reading to the two, though. It had been fun, the stories were really interesting!

He never really went to school since... Well, he was dead. Or well, maybe he was in school before he died, but he didn't really remember that all that much.
So he couldn't read.

Maybe he should follow Fresh when he went to school? Or maybe pay attention to what the teacher was teaching Geno instead of playing with a plushie? (They never noticed when it moved, since he usually played with one that fell over quickly)

Error shook his thoughts off, floating curiously closer to CQ as he watched her stir in the pot. He wanted to know what she was making, to be honest. Even though he didn't eat anymore, he liked seeing the results. They looked pretty.

She seemed to make some kind of soup. Soup. Sooooop- Soup, soup, soup. Soup was a funny word, in Error's opinion. He lost his interest quickly, instead floating through the ceiling to see what Geno and Fresh were doing.

Geno was currently sitting on his bed, reading a book silently, while Fresh was sitting close by on a very comfortable looking beanbag, playing a game.

Error floated to Fresh, 'sitting' down next to him to watch him play. Fresh glanced around for a moment, before turning back to his game.

It seemed to be a Sonic game, maybe Sonic CD? The ghost wasn't very knowledgeable with these games, since he never played them... probably.

Fresh was currently going through a stage called Stardust Speedway. Error bounced lightly to music, he really liked it! He watched as Fresh suddenly slowed down. He was really confused about that, until he saw a cutscene playing.

The child gasped softly as he watched another Sonic appear and starting to race Fresh. He'd seen it a few times already, but it never got boring to watch.

"...Fresh?" Geno suddenly spoke up. "Mh?" Fresh looked up from his console, pausing the game. "Do we still have pain killers here?" The 90's kid blinked lightly, before quickly putting away the console and standing up. "'course, brah." He answered, going over to a small shelf in the room and taking a small package with medicine.

Error turned his head to Geno, floating to him. Ah right, Geno needed medicine because of his sickness.
He'd seen Geno do really bad before. To be honest, Error was scared that Geno would join him. While it'd be fun to have someone to actually spend time with, he was sure that CQ and Fresh would be devastated.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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