Timed Steps

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Let's go right into it, shall we? If you read the other stories, you should be familiar with fgod. And it's been a while since I wrote an Fgod Story or... something at all. Soooo yuss let's goo-

Error was dodging a couple of bone attacks send in his way, stepping a bit back.
He quickly glanced behind himself, to see the VOID, it whispering in itself, ripping a few stones, that fell into it into shreds and atoms, until even them disintegrated into nothingness, without a trace or a reaction. Somehow.

Error looked forward again and blocked an attack of Ink. The two forces had fought for hours. Dream and Blue had been tired from all this and sat together talking, like nothing was happening.

,,Error! Give up!" Ink screamed. ,,NeVEr! YoU ARen'T gETtInG mY PrEcIoUs cHoCCy!" Error yelled back.

Oh. Oh, you thought they were fighting over a destroyed AU? Nah, Ink just wanted Error's chocolate. They weren't really 'enemies', per see, they were friends who fought over stolen chocolate. A lot.

The Destroyer took another step back, until the two suddenly heard a crack. Both stopped what they were doing and looked down.
A long crack parted the two.

,,oH nO." Error said and the part of the cliff broke.

,,ERROR!" Ink yelled and dashed forwards, but it was too late, Error was already falling.
Error stared up at Ink, as he was falling down the VOID, feeling as it teared at him. He couldn't even scream.
He closed his eyes, as he blacked out at this pain.


Error awoke groaning. Pain. Pain everywhere. Why the fuck was he in this much pain, Ink and him were just fighting. Oh right. VOID.

Why the fuck was he alive.

How the fuck was he alive.

Oh right. Plot armour.

The destroyer stood up, his bones aching and creaking. ,,oWwWwwW..." He grumbled, looking down at himself. God, he looked like he went through hell and back. There were scars everywhere.
They weren't there before. He had a few of the fights, but he looked like he was shredded and put together. Which he was. In the VOID.

,,wElL, GuESs yOU cAn sUrVIvE tHE vOId. BuT yOu wIlL lOoK lIKe fRaNkEnStEIn's MonStEr."
Error grumbled out.

The skeleton huffed and crossed his arms, stepping out of the alleyway he had awoken in. Ewww, he and his clothes were now stinking.

The Destroyer tried to open a portal to the codes of this AU, wanting to see what AU he was even in. And no portal opened. Okay. It didn't matter anyway.
He should go to the Anti-VOID. Ink could've stolen his precious stolen chocolate!

The skeleton tried to open a portal to the Anti-VOID. Keyword tried. ,,fUCk!" Error cursed, as it didn't open. He tried to open other portals, but no avail. ,,fUcK! NoW I nEeD tO WAiT uNtiL iNk fInDs mE! NoT agAin! ThIs iS huMilIaTiNg!" Moaned Error.

Child, do not question the comments that will probably be there. They're no-no-comments.

Error huffed and just decided to go on, stuffing his hand grumbling into the pockets of his torn clothes.
As the tall destroyer walked the streets along.

Huh. It seemed... familiar. Maybe he had already been in this AU? Probably.
His main goal in life was to taste every chocolate in the Multiverse, so there was a high possibility he had already been here.

Error limped through the streets, his bones aching.
The few people who passed by always gave him a concerned look, but never stopped to ask him if he was okay.

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