Forgotten Dream

455 16 88

This was an idea (request?) From Doryzitter

Dream walked in the Doodlesphere.
,,INK PAINT COMYET!" He shrieked.
,,You forgot our meeting today! We wanted to watch movies!"
The artist flinched startled and his pen, with that he wrote just now, fell to ground.
,,O-oh! I am sorry, uhm... uhhh... what was your name again?"
Said Ink looking at Dream thinking.

The guardian sighed at the bad goldfish- no, that was insulting for the goldfishs - at the bad, BAD memory of his creative friend.
,,Dream. My name is Dream. Ink, we know eachother now since years, why do you keep forgetting my name? We see each other every day!"
,,Dream, Dream..."
Murmured Ink, hardly thinking if he would remember him.
The guardian groaned.
,,Okay, Y'know what? Call me when you remember me!"
Then he left.

A few hours later was Dream in a wood.
Ink still didn't call. Weird.
He sighed.
Normally Ink would have called by now.
One time he even said:
,,Mooooom! I am sorry! Please come baaack!"
Yeah, Dream was kinda like a mother for the creator.
Because Ink was like a child, that needed someone supervising him.
The positive ball of hope fiddled nervous with his fingers, growing worried more and more. ,Maybe Blue can help?'
He thought and opened a portal with his staff to Underswap.

He walked up to Blue.
,,Hey Blue! He called."
The Star Sans looked up from his phone.
,,Hey?" He said with an asking tone.
Dream smiled.
,,Hey, can you please keep an eye on Ink? He acts... weird today. More forgetful than usual." Blue looked at Dream.
,,Sure, but... who are you?" He asked.
Dream looked blankly at Blue.
,,Uhhh... I am Dream, remember? The brother of Nightmare, guardian of positivity?" Blue shook his head.
,,Sorry, never heard of you."

The guardian was confused.
Why did everyone forgot him?
Was this a prank? Probably.
He sighed.
,,Okay then. I'll just go. Is probably a prank, anyways."
And with that he went through a portal.

Dream wondered through an random AU and felt the presence of his brother, Nightmare. ,,Brother?"
He asked, while turning around.
There he stood in doom and gloom his goopy Koro-Sensei brother.

The cyan-coloured eyelight from Nightmare looked left and right.
Then he said in his popular, deep dark voice:
,,I am sorry. But you must mistake me for someone else?" He said.
Dream was now confused.
Nightmare wouldn't play a prank with him, would he? ,,...Nightmare?" He asked slowly.
The octopus grinned.
,,Ah, so you've heard of me? Interesting. But let me introduce myself properly. I am Nightmare!Sans, king and guardian of negativity and nightmares. And you are...? You sure have a lot of positivity."

Dream began panicking inside.
Why didn't Nightmare remember him?
They were brothers!
Oh stars what should he do, what should he do, what should he do?
Quickly shook Dream his head and stared at Nightmare.
,,I am... Dream!Sans. Guardian of positivity and dreams. Nightmare, brother, don't you remember me? I- We- Why did everyone forget about my existence?"

His brother looked at him.
,,Huh... you don't lie. But I don't remember having a brother. Did you hit your head or something? Maybe you made things up. Nonetheless... Do you want to be part of my gang? I always could use a new member and you seem available."
Dream looked at his brother.
He shook his head.
,,No. I am not going with you."
He said sternly.
Nightmare grinned.
,,Awwww~ Well that's too bad~"
He said and grabbed Dream with one of his tentacles.

Then he teleported with his brother away.
Nightmare let Dream fall to ground, when they were in his base.
The guardian stood up and looked around.
The castle wasn't as dark as he thought it would be.
A light illuminated the room from above and gave everything a rather comfy look.

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