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Okay, so I have no idea how forests looks in other parts of the world. So I take a normal forest you can find in Germany because I know how the forests look there.
... I got the idea while looking at a pic of Feral!Frisk, by the way.
Also, the Cover of this chapter is the photo of a reindeer I made, when I coincidently saw it.

A black and red skeleton walked with a white skeleton with blue eyes through the thicket of a forest on all four foots.
Both of them were children, maybe in the age of 13 and they didn't have any clothing.
Their bodies were dirty and had a few small scars.
The black skeleton let out a hungry whimper and the white one snuggled his head against his sibling.
Yes, they were siblings.

Suddenly, they saw raspberries.
Both looked at eachother and slowly approached the sweet snack.
The skeleton looked wary around, on sight for any danger, but there was nothing.
Hungrily grabbed the brothers the raspberries and ate them with a delighted hum.
If there were worms in them... they ate the worms too. They couldn't be picky, after all.

A cold wind blew in the direction of the two skeletons and they shuddered shortly in the cold.
Both of them shook the cold off, and began walking again, looking for a place to sleep this night.
The black skeleton suddenly stood still and sniffed in the air.
His brother turned around and made an asking noise.
The glitchy skeleton made a few noises.
A thunderstorm was coming.

Now they certainly needed to find a sleeping place (even if it was still the middle of the day), and no tree.
The children once saw how a lightning bolt was enflaming a tree and learned that it was not safe to sleep on trees or under trees when a thunderstorm was coming.
The brothers were lucky this day that the rain put the fire out.

Both skeletons found a small cave and crawled in, in time before the storm started.
The black skeleton whimpered, as he saw the rain falling.
Now they wouldn't have dry moss for a few days - maybe weeks.
And they didn't have it now.
The two skeleton crawled deeper in the cave, curling themselves together behind a stone, cuddling to give themselves warmth.

The children let out a frighten whimper when the thunder started.
The black skeleton grabbed his brother, tears in his eyes.
The brothers never got used to the loud sound, it scared them.
So, the two were there.
Freezing and cuddling each other with no one knowing about them yet.
But this would change soon.

Geno and his mate Reaper were walking in the forest, Goth being on the shoulders of his dad.
The god of death didn't really walk, because he didn't feel like killing plants today. A few wilted nonthenless.
Goth happily found a red leave of an ahorn and kept it close to himself.

The thunderstorm suprised the Afterdeath-Family and they quickly searched safety.
It took a while, they didn't really knew the forest.
Eventually they found a small cave near a birch.
Reaper and Geno decided to go in there until the storm was gone.
They could just teleport out, but they thought:
,Why should we? It's not THAT bad.'

In the cave was it definitely warmer.
Geno let out a satisfied sigh.
Goth looked curious around.
Reaper did put him down from his shoulders.
Suddenly the adults heard a small whimper.
Reaper and Geno looked at each other concerned.
The mates neared themselves the source of the whimper.
Geno let out a horrorfied gasp by what he saw.

There were two thin, small skeleton children, looking at Geno and Reaper shocked and scared.
The pair looked eachother.
Why were there children here? Why were they so thin? Why were they naked? Where were their parents?
Geno went to his knees.
Goth came curious, hiding behind Reaper while looking at the children, that seemed to be in older than him.

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