Bad Endings can lead to good things

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(...I couldn't think of a better title-)

Error sat in his Anti-VOID, his arms warped around his knees.
The god stared with an empty gaze on his feets.
A trail of guilt hit him, when the Voices screamed insults at him. Insults he deserved.
He killed them. He killed them. Hekilledthemhekilledthemhekilledthemhe-
The glitch snapped out of his thoughts and glared at Nightmare, who teleported into the Anti-VOID again.

,,wHaT dO yOu WAnT! Go tHe fUcK aWAy, nIghTmArE. I dOn'T wAnT yOu oR anYoNe hErE!"
As always, Nightmare didn't go.
He was the only one, that never went away from Error, no matter what the destroyer tried.
,,What's wrong, Error?" Nightmare asked calmly.
,,NoN oF YoUr fReAkInG bUSinEsS! Go AwAy aNd leAvE mE aLoNe!" Hissed the glitch.
Again, Nightmare didn't listen.
A goopy tentacle dragged Error to a goopy body and squeezed him slightly.
The glitch hated it, even if his Haphephobia wasn't acting up, because of Nightmare's goop.

,,Okay. I won't bother you about it more. But remember, you can tell me anything. I promise, I won't tell a SOUL and Non-SOUL."
Error just scoffed and turned his head away from Nightmare. The goopy octopus sighed.
,,Y'know... you have always a place by me."
The glitch just rolled with his eyes, having heard that over and over again.
The king sighed and looked at Error.
,,You really act sometimes like a spoiled child, you know that?" He suddenly said.
The glitch hissed and glared at the guardian.
,,I dO nOt!"
Nightmare just shook slightly his head and stood up.
,,Welp. I'm gonna go now. Remember that you can always call me, Error."
With these words, Nightmare teleported away.

Error let out a sigh of relief.
He then climbed in his hammock.
The god wanted to sleep a bit, before he needed to destroy again. Screw nightmares.
He was tired.

A loud beep sounded through the hospital room.
He was dead.
Error locked himself away, depression eating him.

,,Error! C'mon! You didn't move in DAYS! I know you're upset because of Geno's death, but please!"

,,...WhY cAn'T i dIe?" ,,W-what?" ,,WhY cAn'T I DiE? I tRIeD- sO maNy ThInGs. BuT nO maTtEr wHaT I dO, I CAn'T dIe. I trIed to sHattEr mY sOuL, bUt IT jUst dIdN'T wOrk! I jUst wAnT tO gO tO GeNo!" ,,...Error... please tell me this isn't true." ,,..."

,,Error, Sweetie. You need to eat, please."
,,No! I cAn'T dIe aNyWaY! I jUsT wAnt tO gO tO gENo!"

,,You should bring him to the psychiatry, CQ. This isn't healthy. He needs help." ,,...I know."

,,LeT mE oUt! PlEaSe! I- I DOn'T wAnT tHIs!"

,,Error, do you wanna visit your family?"
,,y-YeS! Of CoUrSe! PlEaSe!"

,,Eyyy brah! 'S nice seeing ya again! Are ya now better?" ,,..." ,,Ayyy Imma take that as a no!"

Error felt comfortable to be with his family again.
They ate something and Error was allowed to stay over night.
In the night, Error heard something.
He got curious and looked what it was.
,,I did it!"
Whisper-Shouted Fresh, Deccans was with him, most likely climbed through the window.
,,I rescued you! I saved you!"
In front Fresh's friend floated a SOUL, and Error felt something in him snap.

The next thing he knew was, that he was blood covered and CQ was holding him.
Error was confused.
,,w-WhAt? WhAt aM I dOinG hErE? WhY is tHErE bLoOd? WhAt hApPenEd?"
,,...Error. Lets get you back to the psychiatry, yes?"
,,oKaY? BuT wHaT aBoUt fReSh? He sHoUld cOMe tOo, rIghT?"
,,...Error... Fresh is dead."
,,W-wHaT?! SiNcE wHEn? I jUst SaW hIm yEsTerDay! He- hE cAn'T bE deAd!"
,,*sigh* Error... You killed him."
,,b-BuT I wOuLd nEvEr- wHy- tHIs iSn'T trUe! ThIs caN'T  bE trUe!"
,,I know you wouldn't.That's why I bring you back to the psychiatry."

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