Beans Part 2

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This was... requested? I think? Something like that?- By Jacklyn_Quinn. So, here you have... more beans :D

Nightmare fled into his castle out of a fight against the Star Sanses.
Relieved breathed the guardian out, as he ripped the arrows out and his goop made him look normal again.
,,mOmMy?" Error's voice came and quick steps of several people where to be heard.
In not even a minute was Nightmare surrounded by his children.

The goopy guardian smiled and spreaded his arms, getting tackle-hugged from anyone.,,Mama! Mama!" Killer cheered, while Cross and Dust grinned happily at him.
,,Momma! We missed you!" Horror cheered.
Nightmare smiled. ,,You did, huh? Well, Mamamare is back now. So no missing me anymore, yeah?"
The octopus booped over Horror's nose hole, making him giggle happily.

,,Brother...?" A confused voice came from behind Nightmare, making the guardian act quick.
The octopus shoved himself in front of his sons, spreading his tentacles protectively around them.
,,Dream. Ink. And... Blue... what are you doing here?!" He hissed.
,,Mom? Who's that?" Cross asked, but Nightmare just patted his skull, mimicking him to he quiet.

,,We- we followed you, brother..." Dream said, confused.
,,I never knew you had children, Nightmare! And I didn't know they could be so big!"
Ink cheered, completely oblivious to the situation. Blue squinted his eyesockets.
,,They're not children, Ink." He mumbled to his teammate, looking threatening at the negative guardian.
,,What did you do to those Sanses, Nightmare?!"

,,Mom?" Dust asked. Nightmare looked at his son and smiled.
,,Everything's okay, Dust. The people and Mamamare here just have little... disagreement, yeah?"
Dust blinked and nodded, grabbing onto Error's arm, who looked at the three strangers with teary eyes, cuddling Mrs. Cookie tightly.
Ink snorted. ,,Mamamare." He laughed slightly.

Nightmare took a deep breath, before saying: ,,I did nothing to them, Blue. Except caring for them. They are non of your business. Leave my sons alone."
The three seemed to be taken aback.
,,Does that mean I am an uncle?" Dream said happily.
Nightmare grumbled a bit, before nodding slowly.
,,Wowzers! That's so cool, brother! But how did you adopt so tall skeletons? They're not your children."
,,I am not your brother!" Hissed Nightmare angrily, before saying:
,,And it's non of your business, because you will go now! This is not your mansion, so GO AWAY!"

Nightmare's sons flinched when Nightmare yelled, making the guardian turn around and calm them down.
,,Hey, hey, it's okay, it's alright... Mamamare is only a bit angry with the visitors. I would never be angry with you. I am sorry for yelling, I really am."
The guardian hummed, petting his children.
Error hugged Nightmare in fear, making Nightmare rub his head, whispering sweet nothings to Error and also the others.

,,Guys! Look what I found!" Blue called, coming into the room again from the direction of the kitchen.
He had a drawing in his hand, that Nightmare immediately recognised.
It was the drawing, his boys made for him.
Nightmare's eyesockets widened. ,,GIVE THAT BACK."
He growled darkly, pining the blue guard to the wall.
The king took carefully the paper out of Blue's hand and gave it to Killer, who quickly reached it behind himself to Horror.

Nightmare growled at his unwanted visitors.
Dream looked at Blue, who had fallen to ground.
,,Brother, please-" ,,I am NOT your brother."
The guardian growled. Dream flinched, before saying:
,,Nightmare, please! We can't go on like this! Especially if you appearantly have children to take care of."
Nightmare growled again, but looked at his sons, at their faces.
They were confused and fearful, but also curious.

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