Birds Of A Feather (Yandere Turkey x Child Reader)

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Jenny-So we just let them all die when they are not even a threat anymore?!

Turkey#2-I saw the women and children come onto land and the children of men grow up. Evil and greedy like the rest. They will chop down the trees and ruin water to poison the land that is rightfully ours by the elders.

Jenny-They are raised that way! Surely they can't all be capable of evil or that's like saying the same about our brothers and sisters that go against us.

Ranger-Why do you care so much about them?! The ones that hurt us and almost killed you!

It was a long and one-sided discussion, but then...

Jenny-This problem is simply not going to go away because there are more out there somewhere! We can't keep doing this forever or we are no better than what we say man is!

Chief-... She's right.

Jenny-And-!... What?

Chief-More men will come like more came now and no sign of their own will make it harder each time... So we set an example.

It sounds like he didn't want to slaughter and leave the rest to die anymore, but I don't like the way he put it.

Chief-We do the attack and then take who is left as prisoners and their kind won't attack their own.

Everyone seemed to like this idea, but I tried to see it for what it actually was.

Jenny-Prisoners?... You want to enslave them?

Chief-This is as close you are going to get to helping them... There are 2 courses of action after the attack... We leave them... or take them.

I could try to argue, but I saw how everyone felt about this plan and I know it will be messy at first, but I believe that our tribe can learn to forgive someday... This is the best I was going to get.

(Timeskip To Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We found more fruit today and it actually tasted good with the jam that we put on our toasted and freshly made bread. I was so tired from running and playing today, but the rules did get in the way of the fun. We had to sleep in tents tonight, but better than a smelly old boat. While we were eating, I didn't understand why were not celebrating or something. We just found new land and a new home where they said we can be free, so no more rules. 

(Y/N)'s mind-Why can't we do whatever we want now? That was the reason we left.


I looked at a part of the camp where that loud explosion came from and saw something was on fire. I wanted to go see, but Mother Miranda made all of us stay put to eat while they put the fire out. 

Kid#1-Hey, is that the shed where they kept the gunpowder and guns? *whisper*

Kid#2-Oh my god... Well, I saw another shed of guns at-. *whisper*



We heard screaming now and this was getting scary. If those were all of our guns then we can't shoot things to hunt or protect ourselves. More screams could be heard so the adults got the guns we still had and went after the people attacking us, but there were no gunshots for a while. Suddenly, a bunch could be heard, so Mother Miranda made all kids without parents get around her.

Miranda-... Hello?!... Is anyone still out there?! *echo*

My body was shaking and most of us were starting to cry. This has to be the work of monsters, like the ones told in storytime on the boat. Mother Miranda said that monsters do not exist, but I don't believe her anymore. 

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