Chapter 32.

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(Nefertiti's POV.)

"Mom said, "If a boy can't see the beauty within", then he's not worth it." Can you believe it? What world does she live in?" Jane said as she lies down on my bed and next to me as I was doing my homework.

"AUARDON, jane." I said with an eyeroll and sigh.

"Mal, and Auntie, do you both like?" Evie asked as I see what she made.

"Yeah, it's cute, it will bring out your eyes." I said with a smile.

"I know." Evie said with a smile.

"I'll never get a boyfriend. Boyfriends are overrated." Rosie said as Evie, Mal and I smirk.

"And how would you know, Rosie? You've never had one, and you're not old enough yet?" I asked as Rosie smiles.

"Because, I don't need one mom, and I'm 15 remember, I grew up fast." Rosie said as I nod.

"Yeah." I said as I smile.

"They're a waste of time. (Then her eyes widen.) I forgot to do Chad's homework for him." Rosie said as I was shocked, then took the bag from her, and teleport it back to Chad.

"Honey, he uses girls, to do his homework for him, then when he's done with them, he throws them out like garbage, then moves on to the next girl, he's not a good guy sweetheart." I said as she nods, then goes and does her own homework, then I see Lonnie walking into the room after knocking.

"Hey, guys, and Auntie! I'm Lonnie. My mom's Mulan? No? Anyways, Auntie, I love what you've done with Jane's hair. And I know you hate us, and, well, you're evil. But do you think you could do mine?" Lonnie asked as I was a little confused.

"Why would I do that for you, Lon?" I asked with a curious look on my face.

"I'll pay you 50 dollars." Lonnie said as I nod.

"Good answer. I need to buy more material so I can finish on Auntie's dress for the coronation. Let's see, I'm thinking, we lose the bangs, maybe some layers and some highlights." Evie said as I smile.

"Yeah, yeah. I want it cool. Like Auntie's." Lonnie said as I got my spell book out.

"Okay... "Beware, forswear, replace Lonnie's old hair with cool hair." Hope you'll love this." I said snapping my fingers and Lonnie's hair was changed.

"I know. I know. It looks like a mop on your head. You know what? Let's cut it off, layer it..." Evie said as I smile at her.

"No, no, no, no, no, no! I love it." Lonnie said as I was a little bit shocked.

"You do, Lon?" I asked with a curious smile.

"It's just... (She rips her skirt a little, which shocked, Evie, Jane, Mal and I.) Now I'm cool." Lonnie said as I nod.

"Like badass." I said with a giggle as Jane rips her skirt a little, then gasped on what she did.

"What did I just do? Mom's gonna kill me!" Jane said as I snap my fingers, and her dress was fixed.

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