Chapter 26.

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(Nefertiti's POV.)

"Hello, Milah, dear. It's good to see you again." I said with a evil smirk on my face as she walks up to me.

"Why are you happy to see me?" Milah asked me as I smirk even wider and more evil.

"Oh, you know, because I'm finally going to get out of here." I said with that evil smile.

"What do you mean, by that?" Milah said as Satan appears next to me with my heart in his hand as he and i smirk.

"Her family, aka the charming's, the mill's, the Stanley's, and the Jones's, are coming for her." Satan said as I see them and Milah eyes widen when she saw my brother Killian, and Rumple.

"Killian, and Rumple. It's good to see you both." Milah said to both of them, as Killian's eyes widen.

"Milah, if that means if you're here so is, Nefertiti. Where is she?" Killian asked as Milah moves out of the way so they all could see me.

"Nefertiti/Mom/Grandma/Baby!" My family said as I smirk Evilly at them.

"Hello, long time no see." I said in my evil voice as I smirk at them.

"Oh, mom. We never thought that we would see you again." Emma tells me in her tearful voice as I still had that evil smirk on my face.

"Hehe, oh sweetheart, you all thought wrong." I said with a evil giggle as their eyes widen when they saw Satan with my heart.

"Wait, does this mean, you were never dead, but alive and trapped down here!" Paul asked in a brokenhearted voice as I nod with that evil smile.

"Yeah, I just saved your ass, so we couldn't have to go through all of the pain and suffering trying to get you back, my darling." I said with that evil smirk on my face.

"Wait, can Dad or one of us come up to you and hug you?" Axle said as Satan places my heart back in my chest, as tears start to flow down my cheeks and I nod, then Paul and our kids run over to me, and hug me tightly and I hugged them back.

"So, can we go Home please?" Rosie asked as i nod then brought Milah back, and Killah and she hugged, but then i was taken to another world, aka the Descendants world, I was on the Isle of the lost, and my eyes were glowing black and red, then i smirked.

(You didn't think this was the end of the story, did you? Well you dead wrong, it's just the beginning. ~> 420 Words)

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