Chapter 24.

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(Nefertiti's/The Evil Queen's POV.)

"Mom, this isn't you, please snap out of it!" Emma said as I laughed Evilly.

"But oh it very much is, my dear. And now, I can finally get my revenge on, Snow, Charming, and your father." I said knocking her back with my magic, I giggle at the sight.

"No, Baby, this isn't you, I know the real you is still in there, I love you always and forever, please come back to me." Paul tells me as he help Emma stand up on her feet.

"I can't do it, Emma. I can't hurt her." Elsa said as I smirk at her.

"Yeah, well, I can." Emma said as her father grabs her arms.

"Wait! Stop!" Anna said as I look at her.

"Anna! No, she's too dangerous." Elsa said as I giggle evilly.

"You should listen to your sister and go." I said as she shakes her head at me.

 "Elsa, Anna, I don't know if your father and I will ever get back to you, but I need you to know, we were wrong to tell Elsa to conceal her powers. I feel terrible that it happened before and I can't let it happen again. My sister Ingrid and Nefertiti, like you, also had ice powers. I never told you about them or my other sister Helga, but I should have. They were beautiful and kind and wonderful, and I was fearful. And I let that fear guide me. I let Ingrid and Nefertiti hide when I should have celebrated them for the people that they are. I loved them so much. In this crystal are the memories of my sisters, which I stole from the people of Arendelle. Please return them. My sisters deserve to be known. In a cave in the north valley, you'll find an urn that contains Ingrid, and Nefertiti is in the Enchanted Forest with her Husband Paul. Please do what I should have done long ago and release Ingrid. When you see her and Amelia, please tell them I love them and I'm sorry. I'd give anything to take back what I did, to hold their hands one more time." Anna reads the letter as I held my hand out for her to hand me the letter and I touch the crystal and it show the memories, that I had with them, I hand the letter to Ingrid and she reads it as well. 

"Oh. Oh, Gerda. Oh. What have I done? I need to reverse this, we both do, Ingrid." I said as Paul eyes widen.

"You can't. The only way is if you..." Emma said as I nod at her.

"We know. Ingrid and I have to destroy ourselves." I said as I made a dagger appear.

"No, Aunt Ingrid and Mom. Wait!" Ella said as I stabbed myself in the stomach.

"No, Baby!" Paul said as he was being hold back by David and Hook.

"There's no other way. Ingrid and I are monsters, not because of our powers, but because of what we let them turn us into. she and I have to undo this." I said as I had a sad smile on my face as he was trying to get to me but couldn't.

"No, sis, you'll both die." Killian tells me with tears in his eyes as I smile at him as the ice and dagger was killing Ingrid and I.

"I know. It's okay. Elsa, Anna, you found each other. And, Emma, Axle, Ella, Rosie, you found your family, even if it wasn't with me. . . And now, you guys, my children, my nieces, and the love of my life, you guys deserve, all of your memories of me." I said in a tearful voice as I wave my hand over the crystal to give them back all of the memories that they had of me and Ingrid, and all of them had tears in their eyes.

"You all are special to us, never forget that. Ah!" Ingrid said as she and I were dying. 

"There has to be another way. You deserve your happy ending, too. Mom, please you and aunt Ingrid, can't leave us!" Axle said with tears in his eyes as his aunt and I smile at our family.

"Long ago, a prophecy told me that you would lead me to just that, my children. And this is it. All Ingrid and I ever wanted was our family's love. . . And now we have it. Now we get to join our sisters." I said as Ingrid and I were about to die but Paul gets out of David's and Killian's grasp, then runs over to me and hugs me tightly and I hugged back

"Baby, I can't lose you, our kids, our family and I still need you!" Paul said in a tearful voice as he held on to me tightly and didn't want to let go, then Ingrid's hand was on his back and he hug her as well, Ingrid and I hug him back, then she and I were gone as we were now in Heaven or Ingrid was, I was in the underworld, my unfinish business is my family, I hope that they can move on. 

(The Underworld.)

"Where am I?" I asked as I saw Satan and Hades, smirking at me as i glared at them.

"Welcome to the Underworld, Mrs. Stanley." Satan said with a evil smirk on his face as I glared at them.

"Now the fun begins." Hades said with an evil smirk of his own.

(909 Words)

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