Chapter 9.

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Nefertiti's POV.

As I saw a man and his kids looking around for me, I knew who they were, Paul and my kids.

"Where in the world, is your mother!" Paul shouted as I had tears in my eyes, and I continued walking on my way.

"Wait, what about that woman? Maybe she knows where mom is?" I heard Axle say as my eyes went wide and I walked faster.

"Stop!" Emma said pointing her gun at me, and I did, and put my hands up, and my eyes were glowing.

"Mom, is that you?" Ella asked as she made me look at her.

"Hi, Ella. It's me. I had to change myself, because of what happen at Grannies." I said glancing at Paul, and he had a sad look on his face, so I transformed back into myself, and my kids hugged me, and I hugged them back.

"Baby, can we talk about what happened, please?" Paul said nearly breaking down into tears, and I nod, then I walked up to him and hugged him tightly by placing my arms around his shoulders, and he hugs me back by putting his arms around my waist and having his face in my neck.

– [Fairy Tale Land – Past - Nefertiti's POV]–

(In my cell in a tower, I watch the people below gather for the execution. A guard at the door breaks the silence.)

"You have visitors." The guard tells me as the guard leaves, leaving behind my father and my sister.

"Father, and Regina. What are you doing here?" I asked walking up to the cell door.

"This is all my fault. I failed you as a father. I should have done more to protect you. Can you ever forgive me, child?" Father asked as I smiled and nod.

"There's no need. How could I blame the one I love most? The only two to stand by me... To the end, along with you Regina." I said glancing at my sister.

"It doesn't have to be the end." Father replied as I knew he had a point.

"Snow and her Prince seem rather determined to make it so." I said as I was afraid for my life.

"Show them regret for what you've done, the pain you've caused. Show them you can change. They will spare you. Just give them a reason. I beg of you." Father said as Regina nods in agreement, and I smiled.


(I was sitting in the interrogation room at the Sheriff's station. Emma and David enter, while Mary Margaret and Paul watches through the glass.)

"Glad to see the Sheriff's station's now a family business. Why am I here?" I asked as I rolled my eyes.

"You know why you're here. Because of Archie, and why did you go into hiding?" Emma asked as I rolled my eyes once more.

"Oh, it's now against the law to get into an argument with someone. And besides, I went into hiding, because of what happened at grannies." I said as I was so annoyed.

"It is if you go to their office later that night and kill them." David said as I was shocked.

"Archie's dead? Why didn't, no one tell me?' I asked as I was shocked as hell.

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